Classic GNs Signed by Dave Gibbons, Frank Quitely, David Mazzucchelli, & More Benefit CBLDF!

This week CBLDF is rewarding our donors with some fantastic graphic novels signed by their legendary creators, including Watchmen Deluxe Edition HC, How Comics Work TP, and Batman vs Predator TP, signed by Dave GibbonsAll-Star Superman TP, signed by Frank QuitelyAsterios Polyp HC and Batman: Year One HC, signed by David Mazzucchelli; Superman For All Seasons HC and Tales of the Batman HC, signed by Tim Sale; and more! Donate to CBLDF today to support free speech and grab your own signed copy of one of these excellent books!

Signed by Dave Gibbons!

watchmen howcomicswork batmanpredator

Signed by Frank Quitely!

all star superman tp quitelybw

Signed by David Mazzucchelli!

asteriospolyp batmanyearone

Signed by Tim Sale!

supesallseasons talesotbatsale batman noir

Signed by J.H. Williams III!

promethea seven soldiers 1 chase

Don’t miss out on these great items and more — visit the CBLDF Rewards Zone today! All proceeds benefit CBLDF’s important First Amendment work!