Author: Jeff Trexler

After San Diego

The King of Rock Daryl "DMC" McDaniel and CBLDF Interim Director Jeff Trexler at the CBLDF party

A heartfelt thank you to everyone who made this year’s Comic-Con International in San Diego so memorable! Our amazing booth volunteers from SDSU, USD Law School, and beyond; the dedicated team at Oni and their generous sponsorship of the annual…

Tonight: CBLDF Comic-Con Welcome Party and Silent Auction!

We look forward to seeing you at tonight’s annual Comic Book Legal Defense Fund Comic-Con Welcome Party and Silent Auction, sponsored by Oni Press! Location: Terrace Under the Stars (3d floor), Westgate Hotel, 1055 Second Ave, San DiegoDate and time:…

ADA Q&A: Accessibility Lawsuits & Comics Websites

Lawsuits aimed at websites over accessibility design have hit the comics industry. How can comics retailers, publishers, and creators bring their websites into compliance with current accessibility standards? To what extent does the Americans with Disabilities Act apply to websites? And…

CBLDF Comments on Maus Censorship

What does the removal of Art Spiegelman’s Maus from the eighth-grade public school curriculum in McMinn County, Tennessee, mean for the future of comic arts censorship? How should concerned members of the comics community respond? The following are excerpts from…

Mission: What’s Possible

Image of giant head examining frightened person through large magnifying glass - cover of Mysteries of Unexplored Worlds #3, cover art by Steve Ditko

What is the mission of the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund? At first glance, the answer to this question seems to be obvious. After all, it’s right there in the name – legal protection for the comics industry, with no…

A Personal Note from Jeff Trexler

Thank you to everyone for the welcoming words and heartfelt comments following yesterday’s announcement. They were a powerful reminder that even more than superheroes the most important legacy of comic books is the comics community.  I’ll have a lot more…