Author: Jeff Trexler

Holiday update

CBLDF logo - statue of liberty with flag on which CBLDF is written

Happy holidays from the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund! As 2024 draws to a close, all of us at the CBLDF want to take a moment to thank you for your commitment to safeguarding the future of the medium we…

CBLDF signings at NYCC – and more!

Announcement of the 10/17 from 2-3pm signing of U.S. v. Comics at New York Comic-Con by creators ian Rosenberg and Mike Cavallaro

The Comic Book Legal Defense Fund is at New York Comic-Con in Artist Alley booth HB902, with new merch, a limited-edition signed print for Gender Queer author Maia Kobabe, a new legal guide, our annual panel on comic bans, and…

Banned Books Week Update

EC publisher Bill Gaines testifying in US Senate Hearings on Juvenile Deliquency in 1954

This week, the Attorney General’s office for the state of Texas observed Banned Books Week by taking my deposition in Book People et al. v. Morath, the case in which the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund and other plaintiffs are…

CBLDF Panels @ San Diego Comic-Con!

The Comic Book Legal Defense Fund returns to San Diego Comic-Con with another set of panels on protecting comics and the rights of the comic arts community! Here’s the current roster, with more panelist updates to follow! Comic Bans: Learning…

Finale: U.S. v. Comics

The medium is the massacre in the epic finale of U.S v. Comics: The Senate Effort to Censor Comic Books, which examines how televised U.S. Senate comic book hearings in 1954 led to the creation of the infamous Comics Code.…

Part 6: U.S. v. Comics

U.S. v. Comics within the image of a stamp

This week the science has spoken, as the publication of the notorious Seduction of the Innocent sets up a landmark senatorial showdown.

Part 5: U.S. v. Comics

Recent attempts to censor graphic novels and manga have resurrected the claim that comics are bad for kids’ mental health. Today’s episode of U.S. v. Comics examines the origins of this assertion in what was once considered to be cutting-edge…