Support Comic Book Legal Defense Fund. The CBLDF is able to perform our important work protecting comics because of the donations of readers like you. Please consider making a donation or becoming a member. Your contributions ensure we can continue to fight censorship!
Stay Informed. If you read or hear about a challenge at your school or public library, support your librarian and free and open access to library materials. Let CBLDF know when you hear of challenges to comics, graphic novels, and manga by emailing is at Read for regular news about comics censorship.
Spread The Word. If you’re passionate about protecting comics from bans and challenges, don’t keep it to yourself! Speak out using social networks, blogs, and even letters to the editor of your local paper expressing why this issue is important in your community.
Make A Banned Comics Display. Let everyone know about the challenges facing comics by making a banned comics display at your store, library or school. There are all kinds of creative ways to display banned comics. Some have shown books behind bars, under lock and key, or behind police tape to show the dangers of restricting access. Others have used CBLDF logos and literature to create a positive display showing the benefits of free expression. Send us pictures of your display to help inspire others!
Host A Banned Comics Event. Work with your local retailer or library to host an event celebrating your favorite banned comics! This can be a read-out, a book group discussion, a creator signing, or even a party. Tell CBLDF about your activity and we’ll let others know about it at!
Distribute Banned Comics Literature. Let others know about the challenges comics face by printing and distributing literature from the CBLDF’s Downloads section. We’ve prepared a variety of handouts, pamphlets, and images to help raise awareness of comics censorship that you can print and distribute freely to help advance awareness of this important issue.
Wear Banned Comics Merchandise. Show the world that you support intellectual freedom for comics by proudly wearing CBLDF apparel! CBLDF offers a wide range of items to show the world that you’re against censorship, including t-shirts proclaiming “I Read Banned Comics,” a police line-up of comics characters showing that “It Can Happen to Anyone,” or the classic Comics Code Authority Seal of Approval. Check out CBLDF’s line of merchandise here.
Exercise your rights! Check out or re-read a favorite banned comic. Encourage your book group to read and discuss one of the books. Give one of your favorite books as a gift.