Black Cat Comics
Milpitas, CA
Black Cat Comics is currently closed to the public. They are offering mail-order shipping with free shipping for all orders over $25. Customers can also order comics online through their virtual online shop or over the phone and have them shipped to their homes. They will be hosting Facebook and Youtube live chats on Saturdays to maintain their community! Check out these sites to support their work.
Founders Mark and Francie are devoted fans of the comics community. According to their site, ”We love comics! When we’re not working at our store, we’re reading comics, visiting other shops, going to conventions or organizing our personal collections. We are addicts!” And they include their whole staff in that description, adding “We know a thing or two about comics with our 100+ years of accumulated reading under our belts!” So just because they are closed doesn’t mean they aren’ there to help you out! Join them for a weekly comics chat online and find out what you should be reading next.
Again, if you have the time and are interested in buying comics, consider Black Cat Comics or one of the other many local comic book stores available that are going out of their way to work online and create convenient options. It is more important now than ever to protect local and small businesses in our communities, and the comics shop is the backbone of a lot of towns.
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