Category: Homepage

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All the Graphic Novels Challenged in 2020

The American Library Association (ALA) Office for Intellectual Freedom (OIF) has released its 2020 Banned & Challenged Books list and 2020 Field Report. Each year, since 1990, the ALA has documented the attempts across the United States to remove books…

CBLDF at the Teaching with Comics Virtual Conference Next Week!

Two girls reading a book together. Text Reading with pictures presents Teaching with Comics. August ninth through the eleventh 2021. Featured speakers are Dr. Lee Francis the fourth and Cara Bean.

Next week, Reading with Pictures presents Teaching with Comics, a free three-day virtual conference for educators and parents. Join CBLDF’s Betsy Gomez (Coalition Director) and Karen Evans (Education Coordinator) for digital “Office Hours” during the LIVE event Wednesday, 3 pm…

Join CBLDF at Comic-Con@Home

Graphic eyeball looking out of the outline of a home. Surrounded by the logo Comic-Con@Home

Join CBLDF this weekend at Comic-Con@Home. We will be hosting the panel CBLDF: Defending Comics Today, which becomes available to stream starting this Friday, the 23 at 4 pm Pacific. Comic-Con@Home is a great opportunity to scratch your con itch before…

Don’t Miss Your Chance to Fill Out the Comics in Education Survey!

Raised hands in all different colors, pink, yellow, blue, green, black with the title overhead CBLDF Comics in Education Survey.

Educators! Have you filled out the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund’s second annual Comics in Education Survey? The survey will close July 31, 2021. You can respond to the survey at Everyone who completes the survey will be entered in a drawing…

Law Firm Fights Back with the Power of Comics

Mock Comic Book cover for court case Third Planet versus Crowne Plaza Hotel. T. J. Johnson looks on determined as cutlery and fire extiguishers hurtle down from above!

Clobbered by falling extinguishers! Fires erupting in the parking lot! What is a comic shop to do? Fight back with comics! A recent court filing on behalf of Third Planet Sci-Fi and Fantasy Superstore included a thirteen-page comic explaining their…

Overcoming Identity Censorship One-Sheet

For Pride this month, we wanted to share our resource — Overcoming Identity Censorship. Identity censorship is when a work is challenged based on the identity of the author or the subject matter of the book. LGBTQ+ content is the…

Victory! Supreme Court Issues Mahanoy Decision

Earlier this morning, the Supreme Court issued their opinion on Mahanoy v. B.L. In an 8–1 ruling, the Justices decided that the Mahanoy Area School District violated the First Amendment rights of B.L. The case revolved around B.L., a cheerleader, who was removed from…

Panelists Announced for Recoding Censorship

Banner of event title Recoding Censorship. Underneath is the Approved by the Comics Code Authority seal

Join us this Thursday, June 24 at 10 am Pacific/1 pm Eastern for our June Membership Meeting Recoding Censorship. We are pleased to announce the stellar panelists that will be joining us for our event. Guest panelists include Terry Anderson (Cartoonists…