Category: Homepage

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Despite Ban, Manga and Anime Remain Hot Topics on Chinese Social Media

Despite last month’s Chinese ban on dozens of manga and anime series that were said to “encourage juvenile delinquency, glorify violence and include sexual content,” social media users in China are easily circumventing the restrictions by sharing content online. According…

Increasing Number of Americans Support Banning Books

An early 2015 poll of more than 2,000 Americans has revealed a disturbing trend: Since 2011, the percentage of Americans who believe that there are books that should be banned has increased from 18% to 28%. Perhaps even more disturbing,…

Adding Palomar to Your Library or Classroom Collection

Palomar by Gilbert Hernandez collects the author’s “Heartbreak Soup” stories, which originally appeared in the Love and Rockets series, a collaboration with his brothers Jaime and Mario. The book, which has received widespread critical praise, focuses on the interconnected lives…

Because of Arizona Ban, Ethnic Studies Programs Expand Around Country

Arizona legislators have long waged a battle against ethnic studies, culminating in a ban of Tucson’s acclaimed Mexican American Studies program. But in spite of — and really, because of — the ban, ethnic studies programs have expanded across the…

No, Charlie Hebdo Has Not Stopped Printing Mohammed Cartoons

Although international media have widely reported in the past few days that Charlie Hebdo publication director Laurent Sourisseau declared a definitive end to Mohammed cartoons in the satirical magazine, the editorial team clarified today that nothing has changed: They will…

The Tweeks Take on the Drama with Drama

Three main characters from Drama walking across the stage with a purple curtain drawn.

The Tweeks are at it again! This time twin teen geeks, Maddy and Anya Ernst, sit down to talk about Raina Telgemeier’s modern classic Drama and all of the controversial drama surrounding this graphic novel in the latest edition of…

Writers Reflect on a Free to Read Childhood

As ComicMix’s The Tweeks — twin tween geeks Maddy and Anya Ernst — launched their Challenged Graphic Novel Reading Challenge last week with Bone Vol. 1: Out from Boneville, a couple of the site’s adult contributors also took the opportunity…

The Tweeks Challenge Parents and Kids to Read Bone

The Tweeks, twin teen geeks Maddy and Anya Ernst, welcome us to their first ComicMix Challenged Challenge with a passionate discussion about Jeff Smith’s classic graphic novel, Bone: Out of Boneville. As the Tweeks point out, although this book has…