Category: Education

Influential Censored Comics: Saga, A Story for Every Type of Family

Brian K. Vaughan and Fiona Staples sci-fi epic adventure, Saga,  quickly emerged as a genre redefining, bestselling addition to the comic book cannon. It rapidly picked up a shelf-full of awards from the Eisner’s, Harvey’s, Hugo’s, and even a British…

Activism in the Funny Pages

In celebration of Black History, CBLDF is rerunning some amazing profiles created in partnership with Black Nerd Problems to spotlight Black comics creators and cartoonists who made significant contributions to free expression. To see the full list of resources, visit Profiles in…

Milestone: the Diverse Publishing Icon of the 90s

In celebration of Black History, this February CBLDF is rerunning some amazing profiles created in partnership with Black Nerd Problems to spotlight Black comics creators and cartoonists who made significant contributions to free expression. To see the full list of resources, visit Profiles…

Barefoot Gen Holds Sacred Place in History, Both as Truth and Story

“[Barefoot] Gen burned its way into my heated brain with the intensity of a fever dream” Art Spiegelman notes in his introduction to Barefoot Gen Vol. 1.  Even without the flu, Spiegelman reports experiencing during his first read-through, Keiji Nakazawa’s semi-autobiographical manga will stay with you…

CBLDF Speaks Out Against Harsh and Discriminatory Punishment of 6th Grader

A sixth-grade student was arrested in Florida after refusing to participate in the pledge of allegiance. The substitute teacher attempted to insist on his participation but the student still abstained, explaining his views that the flag represents racism in America.…

John Oliver’s Bunny Book Triggers Teacher Investigation

A teacher in Seminole County, Florida is under investigation for reading an age-appropriate book about two gay bunnies to his first-grade class. According to local news in the area, the investigation came in response to complaints from several parents about…

Happy President’s Day

It’s clear when perusing through history textbooks, those who founded and ran America often cared deeply about the First Amendment and the importance of knowledge and information. Read their own words, as a reminder why these freedoms are not to be…

Proposed Book Banning Law Defeated in Maine

February 11, 2019, LD 94, a bill proposed in Maine that would criminalize educators for assigning or providing “obscene” materials, was unanimously rejected by the legislative committee. The bill was initially proposed after Representative Amy Arata, discovered her son had been…

LGBTQIA Victory in Kansas Library

  Transgender Kids’ Books Will Remain Accessible According to The Wichita Eagle, the Andover Public Library board of directors has voted – nearly unanimously – to protect the rights of their patrons regardless of age. This is the conclusion of a challenge…