Category: Education

CBLDF Looking for Editorial Intern!

CBLDF is looking for an editorial intern! Help us perform our important education work and gain hands-on experience with the program and communications side of our dynamic, influential non-profit organization. Duties include: copyediting, proofreading, transcription, and copy writing. If you have an…

Virginia Lawmaker Wants Librarians Fired for Summer Reading Lists

A debate over summer reading books in Virginia’s Chesterfield County Public Schools intensified last week when a state senator characterized the books as “trash” and said the school librarians who recommended them should be fired. The titles that have raised…

How Smile Transformed the Comics Industry

Seemingly overnight, semi-autobiographical graphic novels for children have become a hit genre, dominating New York Times bestseller lists, winning industry awards, and garnering significant praise and accolades. Leading the way is Raina Telgemeier, whose fun, incredibly relatable, and heartfelt graphic novels…

Independence Day Around the World

As we celebrate Independence Day, we also celebrate the independent spirit of our country’s founders, men and women who fought against an oppressive regime and eventually gave us the law that CBLDF works to protect: the First Amendment. Freedom of expression…

VA Parent Leads Summer Reading Censorship Campaign

The school year may be winding down for students across the United States, but upset parents in Chesterfield County, Virginia, have been hard at work the past few months in a successful campaign to have titles they call “pornographic,” “vile,”…

Now Available: CBLDF Defender #6!

CBLDF Defender is our free quarterly news magazine coming to you from the front lines of the fight for free speech, and the sixth issue is now available! You can find it at comic book stores across the nation, on comiXology, and right here at!…

Author Urges Students to Challenge Book Bans

In a recent editorial piece on The Huffington Post, author and high school teacher Peter Brown Hoffmeister discusses the hot topic of banning books and explores the dangerous implications and imminent pitfalls of censoring the materials teenagers have access to…

1990s Attempts to Censor Rap Echo 1950s Attacks on Comics

With every new generation, there is a new form of media that becomes both actively embraced by American youth, as well as socially stigmatized and branded as “low class,” “obscene,” and “dangerous” by the morality police (aka grown ups). It…

Using Graphic Novels in Education: Teaching the Holocaust with Comics

Welcome to Using Graphic Novels in Education, an ongoing feature from CBLDF that is designed to allay confusion around the content of graphic novels and to help parents and teachers raise readers. In this column, we examine graphic novels, including those that…