Category: Premiums

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ALL-STAR SUPERMAN vol 1, signed by Morrison and Quitely

The first volume of the groundbreaking series by Grant Morrison and Frank Quitely, this Eisner-winning and best-selling comic took elements from 70 years-worth of Superman adventures and reinvented them for a new millennium.

After a rescue trip into the Sun, Superman returns more powerful than ever but stricken with a terminal condition. With little time left, he has to complete Twelve Legendary Labors. Along the way, we see new visions of the characters and locales in Superman’s world that fans have come to love, including Bizzaro, Lex Luthor, Jimmy Olsen, the Phantom Zone, Kandor, and Lois Lane.

Already considered a classic, All-Star Superman is a perfect series for old and new fans alike.

This softcover edition is signed by both Grant Morrison and Frank Quitely. Get your copy now!


A brand-new, one-time-only print by superstar artist Frank Quitely (All-Star Superman, We3, Batman and Robin, The Authority), created exclusively as a fundraiser for the CBLDF. Signed by the artist, all proceeds from this gorgeous print benefit CBLDF!

This 11″ by 17″ print is only available through the CBLDF, and is a “must have” item for any fan of Mr. Quitely’s work. Available now in the full-color edition or the signed and numbered limited-edition black and white facsimile (limited to 50 copies).

$50 Supporter Membership

Joining the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund comes with a number of incentives, across all donation tiers, each with its own premiums and benefits. Of course, the number one benefit of membership is peace of mind. You’ll know that there’s someone at the other end of the phone when a retailer gets busted or an artist is brought up on charges. Become a member of the CBLDF and help preserve comics as a vital medium for the next century.

The $50 “Supporter” level receives the following:

* The exclusive CBLDF Membership card. This sturdy, plastic card fits easily in a wallet and provides special access to CBLDF events across the country. The 2011 card will feature DC Comics’ GREEN LANTERN, with art by superstar IVAN REIS.
* A CBLDF bumper sticker.
* A button set featuring our logo, and a new version of the “I READ BANNED COMICS” button

Join Now!

The Oddly Compelling Art of Denis Kitchen, Signed!

Signed by CBLDF Founder, cartoonist, and comics publishing legend Denis Kitchen, the handsome book serves as not a tribute to a great underground artist, but a biographical trip through some of the most important moments in comics. Featuring an introduction by Neil Gaiman, this full-color hardcover is a must-read for fans of great cartooning. Available now!

Action Philosophers The More Than Complete Edition Signed by Fred Van Lente and Brian Dunlavey

Signed by CBLDF Supporters Fred van Lente & Brian Dunlavey! All nine issues of the award-winning, best-selling comic book series have been collected into a single volume and arranged in historical order, making this a comprehensive cartoon history of ideas from pre-Socratics to Jacques Derrida, including four all-new stories not available anywhere else. A 320 page comic book history of Philosophy! This signed edition benefits the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund! Available Now!

Moebius Marshall Blueberry Signed & Numbered HC

CBLDF Exclusive! Our friends at Graphitti Designs recently unearthed a small quantity of limited edition Moebius hardcover collections from the 1980s and contributed copies to aid the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund! This is the ninth volume in the series, collecting Marshall Blueberry graphic novel The Lost Dutchman’s Mine and the Moebius graphic novel Mississippi River. These deluxe, full color editions were limited to 1,500 pieces, and remain the definitive English language Moebius editions to date. A true rarity benefiting a great cause! Available Now!

In Reilig Oran by Neil Gaiman & Tony Harris — CBLDF EXCLUSIVE

Neil Gaiman, the award winning author of The Graveyard Book, Coraline, Sandman and more writes this all-new, unpublished anywhere else poem to benefit Comic Book Legal Defense Fund! Illustrated by Tony Harris of Ex Machina and Starman fame, In Reilig Oran is a breathtaking piece. Limited edition, created exclusively for The Comic Book Legal Defense Fund, unavailable anywhere else, unpublished anywhere else, available signed by both Neil Gaiman and Tony Harris, and unsigned.

Available Now!

Preacher Vol. 1, Signed by Garth Ennis

Signed by CBLDF supporter Garth Ennis! One of the most celebrated and challenged comics titles of the late 1990s, PREACHER is a modern American epic of life, death, love and redemption also packed with sex, booze, blood and bullets – not to mention angels, demons, God, vampires and deviants of all stripes.

At first glance, the Reverend Jesse Custer doesn’t look like anyone special-just another small-town minister slowly losing his flock and his faith. But he’s about to come face-to-face with proof that God does indeed exist. Merging with a bizarre spiritual force called Genesis, Jesse now possesses the power of “the Word,” an ability to make people do whatever he utters. He begins a violent and riotous journey across the country in search of answers from the elusive deity. Proceeds from this signed edition benefit the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund!

Available Now!

Blankets, Signed by Craig Thompson

Signed by CBLDF supporter Craig Thompson! Wrapped in the landscape of a blustery Wisconsin winter, Blankets explores the sibling rivalry of two brothers growing up in the isolated country, and the budding romance of two coming-of-age lovers. A tale of security and discovery, of playfulness and tragedy, of a fall from grace and the origins of faith. A profound and utterly beautiful work. A ground-breaking work and frequently challenged graphic novel that changed the shape of comics! All proceeds benefit the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund! Available Now!