Education Submission


CBLDF is always interested in volunteers looking to fight alongside us on the front lines of free expression. There are lots of ways to join the fight: membership, donation, and of course, adding your voice to ours on This submission page is geared specifically towards librarians & educators interested in writing features and resources that focus on the intersection of intellectual freedom and comics in the classroom; specific submission guidelines and content outlines for each of CBLDF’s ongoing educational columns can be found here: If you are interested in contributing to one of our educational resources, such as Using Graphic Novels in Education, CBLDF Discussion Guides, or Adding Graphic Novels to Your Library or Classroom Collection, please fill out the form below.  If you’re interested in another aspect of sharing your voice (articles, op-eds, historical research, design, ) please visit

If you’d like to send a writing sample to accompany your submission, please email it to submissions[at]cbldf[dot]org, and put your first initial and last name in the subject so we match your lovely writing up properly.