After another epic year of challenges to – and successful defenses of – graphic novels nationwide, 2023 drew to a close with Comic Book Legal Defense Fund Interim Director Jeff Trexler sharing our experiences at the Congressional Roundtable on Book…
Tag: book bans
House Committee on Oversight to Hold Hearing on Book Bans
All the Graphic Novels Texas Rep. Matt Krause Doesn’t Want Students to Read!
Late last year, Texas State Representative Matt Krause sent a letter to the Texas Education Agency and superintendents across the state; included with the letter was a list of almost 850 books. Krause requested that each district list which of…
Florida Tea Party Group Demands District Ban 14 Books
It’s Your Tea Party Florida has demanded that Marion County School District remove 14 books from their middle and high school libraries the group believe are “obscene, even pornographic.” Superintendent of Schools Heidi Maier removed the books from the middle…
Education On the Ballot: 2018 Midterms
Unless you’ve just woken up from a fairly long coma, you know that the midterm elections are Tuesday, November 6th. The midterm elections always experience a lower voter turnout than years when the presidency is up for grabs, but crucial…
A Closer Look at Precedent in Recent City of Thieves Book Ban
By Brian Saucier Regular readers of the CBLDF news blog will recall that the Lee County School District in Fort Myers, Florida recently ordered its 10th grade students to stop reading City of Thieves by David Benioff after a parent…