A copy of Susan Wigg’s summer romance Lakeside Cottage was returned to the Mifflin County Library in Lewistown Pennsylvania after some anonymous editor had crossed out all the bad words in the entire book with a Sharpie. Library Director Molly…
Tag: censored
Netflix Complies With Censorship Request from Saudi Arabia
According to a Financial Times article, Netflix recently removed an episode of Patriot Act with Hassan Minhaj that was critical of Saudi Arabia after the kingdom threatened the episode was in breach of their internet cyber-crimes laws. The episode in…
MAINE: Speak Up To Protect LGBTQ+ Graphic Novels From Ban Today
CBLDF has learned of an attempt to ban several books, including the LGBTQ themed graphic novels My Lesbian Experience With Loneliness by Nagata Kabi and Queer: A Graphic History by Meg John-Barker and Julia Scheele from the Rumford Public Library in Maine. Locals supporting…
Banned Together Censorship Cabarets During Banned Books Week
Theater lovers can take part in the annual Banned Books Week activities this year by attending “censorship cabarets” comprised of songs and scenes from plays that have been challenged or banned in America. The shows, known as Banned Together were…
Banned Comics for the End of Summer Reading
With the heat on full blast outside, and the thoughts of fall looming, graphic novels can be a great way to relax at the end of the summer. Whether you read solo, with you family, as part of a book…