Tag: contracts

Don’t Miss CBLDF’s Contract Rights and Wrongs Panel Today!

May 27 CBLDF Event, Contract Rights and Wrongs. Register to join us at cbldf.org

Please join us today May 27, 10–11 a.m. (PDT) / 1–2 p.m. (EDT) for our May membership meeting, Contract Rights and Wrongs. We are excited to announce the featured panelists for the event: Thomas Crowell (LaneCrowell LLC), Lillian Laserson (Lillian Laserson P.C.), Stuart M. Rees (Entertainment Attorney), Skinner (Artist), and Robyn Williams (Devlin…

Contract Rights and Wrongs — May Membership Meeting

May 27 CBLDF Event, Contract Rights and Wrongs. Register to join us at cbldf.org

Words matter, especially in law. Ownership, royalties, video, merchandise – these are just a few of the important issues that can be determined by the provisions of a contract, yet far too often, the precise language can have consequences that…