Tag: united states

Pennsylvania School Board Rescinds Ban of The Handmaid’s Tale

A Pennsylvania school board, which last month voted to ban Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale as a high school summer reading book, has reversed that decision at its subsequent meeting, the National Coalition Against Censorship has learned. As in so…

Looking for Alaska Retained in Waukesha, Two More Books Challenged

We have another good news/bad news situation in Waukesha, Wisconsin, where a school district review committee last week unanimously rejected a parental challenge to John Green’s Looking for Alaska. But the challengers plan to appeal that decision to the full…

Delaware School Board Removes The Miseducation of Cameron Post From Reading List

Yet another school district, in Delaware this time, has removed a book from a summer reading list without following its own procedure for reviewing challenged materials. The Cape-Gazette newspaper reported today that the Cape Henlopen school board voted on June…

Florida School District Removes Paper Towns From Reading List

Florida seems to be the place for unilateral book bans this summer. A few weeks after a Pensacola high school principal cancelled an entire summer reading program rather than let students read Cory Doctorow’s Little Brother, now a Tampa-area school…

Pensacola Principal Cancels Little Brother Summer Reading Program

In a move reminiscent of South Carolina’s months-long battle over Fun Home at the College of Charleston, a high school principal in Pensacola, Florida last week cancelled a One School/One Book summer reading program because he thought Cory Doctorow’s Little…