This weekend the CBLDF team will be kicking off the convention year at the Chicago Comics & Entertainment Expo, C2E2, at McCormick Place! We’ve brought out a fierce array of signed graphic novels, art prints, and membership rewards to thank you for donating. Saturday night we’re hosting a party at Reggie’s Music Joint featuring music by Adam WarRock, live art, and a terrific raffle. We’re also appearing on programs. The whole CBLDF team will be there: Charles Brownstein, Brady Bonney, Alex Cox, and me, your humble web editor, Betsy Gomez! Come on by and say hello at booth 231. After the jump, check out full details of our events!
CBLDF Booth 231
Stop by for a huge array of signed donation rewards for every budget. From superhero blockbusters by folks like Geoff Johns & Frank Miller to spooky literary masterpieces by Neil Gaiman & Joe Hill, the CBLDF has rewards for every type of reader. We’ll also have a huge assortment of member rewards, including buttons and tote bags for folks who sign up at the show! Come visit us at Booth 231 and support the cause!
CBLDF’s C2E2 Liberty Jam!
CBLDF’s C2E2 Liberty Jam!
Presented by Cryptozoic Entertainment & Dark Horse Comics
Come party with C2E2’s greatest comics creators at the CBLDF Liberty Jam!
This Saturday, March 19!
at Reggie’s Music Joint
2105 South State Street
9 PM to Midnight
Live Music by Adam WarRock!
Live Art by over 40 Creators!
Ben Templesmith, Tim Seeley, Chris Burnham, Phil Hester and scores more will be coming out to create exclusive sketch cards for the CBLDF Liberty Trading Cards. Come and get a first look at their exciting additions to this awesome new card set
CBLDF Raffle!
We will be holding a raffle for an amazing prize: an extremely limited Skate Deck, designed and signed by comics legends Yoshitako Amano and Milo Manara! Mr. Amano is best known for his classic design for projects such as FINAL FANTASY, GATCHAMAN, and VAMPIRE HUNETR D, and Mr. Manara is one of the pre-eminent European illustartors, appearing in HEAVY METAL, and working with Neil Gaiman, Federico Fellini, and Hugo Pratt. This rare collabotaive project is only one of twenty-five produced!
$5 Suggested Donation at the Door!
Art supplies furnished by Pentel
For more about the CBLDF Liberty Cards please visit
CBLDF On Panels!
Charles Brownstein, our Executive Director will be appearing on two excellent programs:
Saturday: 5:30 to 6:30 he’ll be at the Bleeding Cool Awards presenting the Comic Most Likely To Be Defended By The CBLDF In 2011 award in room 475b
Sunday: 1:15 to 2:15 he’ll be appearing with the ALA’s Deborah Caldwell-Stone at Comics, Censorship and the Law in room 470b. Those who buy, sell, and lend comics and graphic novels are frequent targets of the censor and the prosecutor. Come learn about the First Amendment, the law of censorship, and the organizations that defend your right to read, including the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund and the Freedom to Read Foundation.
The CBLDF relies on you to make sure we can do our important First Amendment legal work. Please come on out and say hello, and do what you can to support our work! See you in Chicago!