This week the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund continues its Be Counted membership drive with brand new membership rewards including Saturday Night Live tickets and a meet and greet with Seth Meyers; a professional development review with Marvel SVP of Publishing Tom Brevoort; a variety of thank you’s from Batman Incorporated artist Chris Burnham, and a chance for professionals to get out of (or into) Bleeding Cool free!
Since launching the Be Counted campaign last Thursday, the CBLDF has raised over $19,000 towards its goal of raising $100,000 by October 31 for its legal and program work. If you aren’t a member of the CBLDF, now is the time to Be Counted and sign up for membership, which starts for as little as $25 a year and includes rewards like a Green Lantern membership card, and at higher levels, CBLDF tote bags, prints, and original art. Membership contributions are tax deductible and you’ll be thanked on our CBLDF Member List.
Check out all of our Be Counted member rewards, which include opportunities to meet supporters like Brian Azzarello, Neil Gaiman, Dave Gibbons, Mike Mignola, Gail Simone, Jeff Smith, Frank Quitely & more! Please join the CBLDF today!
Be Counted Week 2 Supporters!
Tom Brevoort
Professional Development Review: Tom Brevoort — Marvel’s Senior Vice President of Publishing will offer a Professional Development Review at NYCC for one member joining CBLDF for a donation of $1,000 or greater. This is an incredible opportunity to receive targeted, one-on-one feedback to improve your comics skills from one of the most experienced editors in the field while supporting the CBLDF!
Chris Burnham
Professional Development Review: Chris Burnham — Batman Incorporated artist Chris Burnham will provide a Professional Development Review at NYCC or via email to donors who join for a membership level of $250 or greater. This is an incredible opportunity to have one of the most versatile and talented artists in mainstream comics give you hard earned advice to help your craft.
Lunch With Legends: Chris Burnham — Enjoy a unique opportunity to have lunch on Saturday of NYCC with Chris Burnham, the exciting artist on Batman Incorporated when you join CBLDF for a membership contribution of $250 or more! CBLDF will contact the donor to arrange a time for this event that coincides with Chris’ schedule.
Personalized Postcard Sketch: Chris Burnham — Chris Burnham has graciously agreed to send a personalized sketched postcard as a thank you to contributors who join the CBLDF at levels of $250 or greater.
Be Counted Auctions!
Be Counted! Become a CBLDF Member at $1,000 or more, and you’ll have a rare opportunity to be on site for a live broadcast of one of television’s most beloved institutions, SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE! On the night of November 12th, the winner of this ticket will have two seats in the audience for a live performance, featuring a guest host and musical guest to be announced. After the broadcast, there will be a short meet-and-greet with writer, performer, and Weekend Update anchor SETH MEYERS. This auction item was donated by CBLDF Supporter/comic creator Scott Weinstein, and the funds raised will immediately benefit the continued legal work of the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund. This item also includes Champion level membership in Comic Book Legal Defense Fund
Bleeding Cool has a reputation as a comic book website willing to go further than anyone else in uncovering the kind of stories that publisher or comic creators would rather remain hidden.
But with this Get Out Of Bleeding Cool Free card, all this changes.
The bearer of this card gets the chance to remove a story published on Bleeding Cool (which will be replaced by this card) either after it has been published or, if they are aware of it, before. It has a one time use and can be used by publisher or creator alike. And it must be used within a year.
Alternatively, the card can also be used to get INTO Bleeding Cool and will guarantee favorable coverage of a project of your choice.
This item is available on eBay now, and the opening bid is a $500 membership in the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund.