by Betsy Gomez
Wow! The response to the Threadless Comics-On Tees vol. 6 design challenge has been phenomenal, with 73 artists having a go at designing the first in a series of four shirts featuring Neil Gaiman’s “The Day the Saucers Came.” The challenge isn’t over yet — the Threadless community of 1.8 million users is voting on their favorite design, and you can join their ranks! Voting ends in three days, so head over to the Threadless Atrium to pick your favorite now!
The winner of the contest will have his or her design debuted this summer at Comic-Con International San Diego. The artist will join Ben Templesmith (Fell, 30 Days of Night), Brandon Graham (Prophet, King City), and John Cassaday (Captain America, Planetary) in the four-shirt series that features Neil Gaiman’s story of zombies, aliens, and giants! CBLDF will receive 25% of the proceeds from the sale of the t-shirts to support its ever-important First Amendment work.
For more information on the Comics-On Tees design challenge and to vote for your favorite, head over to the Threadless website.