Arizona Bookstore Warms Up for Banned Books Week with Virtual Read-Out

As a former resident of Arizona, I was delighted to run across a Banned Books Week video produced by Bookmans, my favorite bookstore chain in the Grand Canyon State. It is especially poignant that the Arizona store produced the video, given state laws that have led to the dissolution of the award-winning Mexican American Studies program and the removal of books by Mexican American and Native authors from Tucson classrooms.

With Banned Books Week just a couple of weeks away, Bookman’s got into the spirit by producing a video for the Virtual Read-Out, a dedicated YouTube channel that features celebrities, writers, and bookworms reading from their favorite banned books. With more than 800 videos posted last year, the Virtual Read-Out brought unprecedented attention to Banned Books Week.

Take a look at the terrific video from Bookmans:


You can join the Virtual Read-Out, too! Visit the Banned Comics area in the Resources section of the CBLDF website for information on some of the most commonly challenged graphic novels. Then, film yourself reading from your favorite banned comic and post your video here!

Because of their visual nature, graphic novels are among the most challenged books in libraries around the nation. CBLDF is a sponsor of Banned Books Week, which takes place September 30 – October 6, 2012. Please help support CBLDF’s defense of your right to read by making a donation or becoming a member of the CBLDF!

Betsy Gomez is the Web Editor for CBLDF.