Why are Young Adult books banned? That’s the question on the minds of Young Adult authors David Levithan, author of Boy Meets Boy and Two Boys Kissing; Meg Medina, author of Yaqui Delgado Wants to Kick Your Ass, which has been banned in some areas due to its title; and Coe Booth, author of Kinda Like Brothers,during a freewheeling conversation at Housing Works Bookstore in New York City, airing this weekend on CSPAN’s Book TV this Sunday at 5:30 ET and 10:30 PT!
Presented by the sponsors of Banned Books Week (bannedbooksweek.org), this discussion covered topics of censorship of diverse books for young readers, each author’s experience being banned or challenged, and the importance of free and open access to all books, especially for young adult readers. David Shipler, author of Freedom of Speech: Mightier Than the Sword moderated the discussion.
Don’t miss this powerful conversation with some of the leading lights in YA lit. Tune in this weekend!