In this episode, we speak with editor, publisher, writer, and translator Anne Ishii about her current venture Massive Goods and the world of gay manga. We discuss cultural differences with regards to erotica, gender politics, and pornography; examine niche subcultures; and take a diversion into our mutual love of the greatest death metal manga ever made.
Topics include: yaoi / BL, Osamu Tezuka, Detroit Metal City
In support of our ongoing education work, the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund is now part of the audio-sphere! A mix of interviews, discussions about current Free Speech events, convention panels recordings, and archival materials, the CBLDF Podcast will be a monthly event, from our keyboards to your ears. The CBLDF podcast is made possible in part by a donation from the Gaiman Foundation and member support.
Listen to Radio Free Comix with the CBLDF Podcast!
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