Marv Wolfman, renowned author and co-creator of a multitude of enduring comics characters including the New Teen Titans, is personalizing his classic graphic novels to support CBLDF’s free expression work! Donate today to grab a copy of the New Teen Titans Omnibus HC Volumes One & Two, New Teen Titans: Judas Contract Deluxe HC, or Crisis on Infinite Earths HC personalized to you or the fan in your life! Don’t delay – personalization requests are due on Friday, March 2nd!
All of the proceeds from these items benefit CBLDF’s important work protecting the freedom to read! Please help support our work and get these awesome premiums by donating for a personalized book or becoming a member today!
Personalization requests are due by Friday, March 2nd!
Here’s how the personalization works:
When you place your order with the CBLDF for these premiums, you can have each of the offered books personalized to one or two names, and Marv will sign and personalize the book on a high quality CBLDF-branded bookplate. When you place your order, in the “NOTE” section of the check-out form, please include the personalization request, such as: “For Linus and Lucy,” or “For Rerun,” or “To The Van Pelts!” (Marv will not be able to provide sketches or other messages.)
All orders will be shipped by Friday, March 16th.
New Teen Titans Omnibus HC Volume One, PERSONALIZED by Marv Wolfman!
New Teen Titans Omnibus HC Volume Two, PERSONALIZED by Marv Wolfman!
New Teen Titans: Judas Contract Deluxe HC, PERSONALIZED by Marv Wolfman!
Crisis on Infinite Earths Deluxe HC , PERSONALIZED by Marv Wolfman!
Don’t miss out on these great items and more — visit the CBLDF Rewards Zone today! All proceeds benefit CBLDF’s important First Amendment work!