Author: Caitlin McCabe

Charlie Hebdo Exhibit Finally Finds Home in Finland Library

Around the world, people have shown solidarity for the victims and survivors of the attacks on Charlie Hebdo, but the Finnish Cartoon Society has had a much harder time finding a venue to host their own tribute exhibit “Minä olen…

Denmark Debates the Inclusion of Muhammad Cartoons in Textbooks

In Denmark, recent debates over whether the controversial political cartoons depicting Muhammad printed in the newspaper Jyllands-Posten in 2005 should be included in Danish textbooks for educational purposes have raised concerns not only over the appropriateness of including such material…

Ecuadorian Cartoonist Bonil Fined by His Government and Threatened by ISIS

Earlier last month, political cartoonist, Bonil was charged with socioeconomic discrimination in his home country of Ecuador for his controversial cartoon mocking Afro-Ecuadorian legislative assemblyman, Agustin “Tin” Delgado. But Bonil hasn’t just been targeted by his home country — ISIS…

Happy Birthday to You, Dr. Seuss!

This week marked the birthday of Theodor Geisel, a man that generations of young readers know as Dr. Seuss. To recognize Dr. Seuss, our friends at NCAC took a look back on many of the censorious challenges that Dr. Seuss…

Painting Pulled from Library for Depicting Mother Teresa

In Trumbull, Connecticut, a painting depicting Mother Teresa alongside Margaret Sanger, whose advocacy for birth control led to the formation of Planned Parenthood, has been taken down due to supposed copyright infringement. The call to remove the painting from Trumbull…

Pennsylvania School District Rejects Pre-Approval Policy

The Lampeter-Strasburg, Pennsylvania, school board made the right decision this past Tuesday when they formally announced that they would not adopt a parental notification/approval policy regarding the inclusion of certain, potentially “controversial,” books in their classrooms. Instead, if needed, teachers…

Tanzania Bans Newspaper Over “Disrespectful” Cartoon

The Tanzanian government has banned the Nairobi newspaper, The EastAfrican, from newsstands. Although the publicized reason for the ban is that the newspaper was being distributed within Tanzania without proper legal registration as required by a 1976 law, several individuals…

Ecuadorian Cartoonist Faces Charges for “Socioeconomic Discrimination”

Political cartoonist Xavier Bonilla, known as Bonil, has been charged with “socioeconomic discrimination” in his home country of Ecuador for a cartoon targeting Agustín “Tin” Delgado, a former professional soccer player who now sits on Ecuador’s legislative assembly. Bonilla is…

CBLDF Joins Cato Institute Brief Urging US Supreme Court to Protect First Amendment Right to Offend

This week, CBLDF advocated for the First Amendment right to offensive speech by joining an amicus brief filed in the United States Supreme Court by the Cato Institute and that includes amici P.J. O’Rourke, Nat Hentoff, and Nadine Strossen. The brief filed…

Indian Cartoonist Talks About the Increase in Self-Censorship

Political cartoonist and graphic novelist Vishwajyoti Ghosh is no stranger to speaking out about the importance of free speech both in India as well as the wider world. Recently, he sat down with the Hindustan Times to talk about what…