Category: Homepage

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After San Diego

The King of Rock Daryl "DMC" McDaniel and CBLDF Interim Director Jeff Trexler at the CBLDF party

A heartfelt thank you to everyone who made this year’s Comic-Con International in San Diego so memorable! Our amazing booth volunteers from SDSU, USD Law School, and beyond; the dedicated team at Oni and their generous sponsorship of the annual…

Tonight: CBLDF Comic-Con Welcome Party and Silent Auction!

We look forward to seeing you at tonight’s annual Comic Book Legal Defense Fund Comic-Con Welcome Party and Silent Auction, sponsored by Oni Press! Location: Terrace Under the Stars (3d floor), Westgate Hotel, 1055 Second Ave, San DiegoDate and time:…

ADA Q&A: Accessibility Lawsuits & Comics Websites

Lawsuits aimed at websites over accessibility design have hit the comics industry. How can comics retailers, publishers, and creators bring their websites into compliance with current accessibility standards? To what extent does the Americans with Disabilities Act apply to websites? And…

Book Ratings: A Tale of Four States

A frequent question we ask ourselves at CBLDF is, “What are the coming trends in graphic novel challenges?” A trend we’ve followed for over a year, and we have discussed on our panels, is the creation of a system to…

Adding Laura Dean Keeps Breaking Up with Me to Your Library or Classroom Collection

Laura Dean Keeps Breaking Up With Me was published in 2019 by First Second Books. The graphic novel was written by Mariko Tamaki (the writer of This One Summer, a frequently challenged and banned book) and illustrated by Rosemary Valero-O’Connell. The book, which…

CBLDF’s Top 5 News Stories of 2022

As we reach the end of 2022, CBLDF looks back at the five most notable stories from the blog. 5. CBLDF Returns to Cons 2022 saw a return to cons for many folks in the comics community. CBLDF had appearances…

What I’m Reading — How To Win the War On Truth

Cover of the book How to Win the War on Truth: An illustrated guide to how mistruths are sold, why they stick, and how to reclaim reality. The cover is in contrasting red and black with a bold cover graphic in black and white on the field of red. We see a man about to club a protestor holding up a picket sign with the peace sign in the background. In the foreground a digital video camera is catching it all but only shows the face of the man with the club and the sharp end of the picket sign. It makes it seem like the victim is actually the attacker. zing!

In an atmosphere where graphic novels are mischaracterized as “graphic,” “obscene,” or “pornography,” where teachers and librarians are verbally attacked and threatened, shedding light on the nuance and truth of the recent attacks on books is important. One of the…

Help CBLDF Have Its Day in Court

Mark your calendars and support Comic Book Legal Defense Fund this Giving Tuesday! This past year we have seen a dramatic increase in challenges and bans on graphic novels in schools and libraries. Looking at the numbers so far this…

UPDATE: Still Spinning in Llano

As we covered last April, citizens from Llano County, Texas, filed suit against the county and several public servants for breach of their First and Fourteenth amendment rights. In December of 2021 the Llano County Library System closed all three…