Category: Homepage

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Robie Harris Speaks Up On A Career’s Worth Of Challenges

Robie Harris knows more than most people about book banning. Her children’s books on sexual health and family life are perennial standards on challenged and banned lists across the country, accused of being everything from age-inappropriate to “obvious child pornography.”…

Honest Teen Life Stories Among Frequently Banned & Challenged

Nothing gets a parent quite so anxious as their child’s teen years. Burgeoning adulthood comes with sexual awakening and an introduction to smoking, drinking, and any number of other vices. For many parents it can seem easier to limit a…

Fight Censorship With Retail Therapy and ComicsPRO!

Banned Books Week, the national celebration of the Freedom to Read is underway! Comic Book Legal Defense Fund is a sponsor of Banned Books Week, and we have been joined in the celebration by members of ComicsPRO! The comics retailer…

Alan Moore, America’s Most Challenged

Alan Moore is a legend of the comic book industry, recognized as one of its best writers. He has won numerous awards for his works, including for his run on Swamp Thing, Watchmen, Batman: The Killing Joke, and The League…

Virtual Read-Out: KING & KING

Here’s another selection from the Banned Books Week Virtual Read-Out, an officially sponsored YouTube channel that compiles videos of people reading their favorite banned and challenged literature. In this one, college student Rachel reads an excerpt from King & King…

The Mayor Who Failed to Censor Comics

A historical milepost article on The Columbus Dispatch website, an Ohio-based periodical, revisits September 28, 1954, when the city’s mayor composed a panel to review the censorship of comics. In assembling the panel, Columbus mayor M.E. Sensenbrenner noted that the FBI…

George R.R. Martin Supports CBLDF For Banned Books Week!

George R.R. Martin, the celebrated creator of GAME OF THRONES and WILD CARDS  is celebrating Banned Books Week by supporting the important work of the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund!  This is his special message about what he’s doing to…