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Library Censorship Awarded Jefferson Muzzle

As each year begins, the Thomas Jefferson Center for the Protection of Free Expression “awards” individuals and organizations around the country with Jefferson Muzzles “as a means to draw national attention to abridgments of free speech and press and, at the same time, foster an appreciation for those tenets of the First Amendment.”

The 2011 Muzzles have been awarded, and recipients include the Obama Administration, BP, the TSA, and more, but one recipient in particular ties in with CBLDF’s work to protect books and comics in libraries. Keep reading…

Please help support CBLDF’s important First Amendment work by making a donation or becoming a member of the CBLDF!

SPIRIT OF GIVING Helps Raise Over $75,000 For CBLDF!

Last holiday season, The Will & Ann Eisner Family Foundation sponsored The Spirit of Giving, a holiday gift drive encouraging membership and donations to CBLDF with incentives that included signed and personalized graphic novels by some of the industry’s greatest creators. Over 450 donations came in over the course of the Spirit of Giving campaign, including more than 200 memberships. All told, the Spirit of Giving drive contributed to raising more than $75,000 for the CBLDF’s important First Amendment program work as we closed 2011, allowing us to pay off all of our 2011 program obligations and enter 2012 with a clean slate.

Carl Gropper, of the Will & Ann Eisner Family Foundation says, “The CBLDF was important to Will Eisner and its goals are as important today as when it was founded. We must maintain our vigilance over our Constitutionally-granted rights and liberties in order to stop those who would take them away. The Foundation is fortunate to be in a position where it can continue Will Eisner’s good work.”

Full Story

The Good Fighters: Mike Richardson

In 1986 — the same year CBLDF was established — Mike Richardson founded Dark Horse Comics, which has since grown into one of the largest and most influential comics publishers in the world. From Aliens to Hellboy to Sin City and more, Dark Horse has released some of the most beloved — and occasionally controversial — books in comics.

Inexorably energetic, Richardson isn’t content to only preside over a comics publishing company. He writes, produces films, and owns popular comics retailer Things From Another World. Towering close to seven feet tall, Richardson exudes the same aura held by some of the superheroes found in the books he publishes. But his heroism is all too real: He is one of CBLDF’s most devout supporters.

In celebrating more than 25 years of both the CBLDF and Dark Horse Comics, CBLDF Executive Director Charles Brownstein sat down with Richardson to talk about censorship and his experience as a publisher for this edition of The Good Fighters.

CBLDF Kicks Off The Convention Year At Amazing Arizona Comic Con!

The Amazing Arizona Comic Convention debuted to huge crowds last year, and it looks to be even bigger in 2012, with superstar guests Robert Kirkman, Rob Leifeld, Greg Capullo, Scott Lobdell, and more! This year, CBLDF will be part of the first comic convention of 2012, exhibiting at booth #123!

The Amazing Arizona Comic Con takes place January 6 – 8, at the Mesa Convention Center (263 N. Center Street, Mesa, AZ 85211). Come on out and use get the gifts you really want and support Free Speech from the CBLDF! We’ve got a great array of grab bags, signed comics, signed graphic novels, and more! Get the best collectibles for a great cause from CBLDF at booth #123 during Amazing Arizona Comic Con, this weekend in Mesa, Arizona!

ACLU Asks Missouri Library to Stop Censoring Websites

In addition to protecting our right to free speech, the First Amendment also guarantees freedom of religion, including the ability to find information on various faiths. Today, the ACLU of Eastern Missouri filed a lawsuit charging the Salem Public Library with unconstitutional censorship for blocking access to information about minority religions. In particular, information about Native American practices and Wicca were blocked because they were classified as “occult” or “criminal.”

In their press release, the ACLU justifies their action:

“The library has no business blocking these websites as “occult’ or ‘criminal” in the first place and certainly shouldn’t be making arbitrary follow-up decisions based on the personal predilections of library staff,” said Daniel Mach, director of the ACLU Program on Freedom of Religion and Belief. “Public libraries should be facilitating access to educational information, not blocking it.”

Such censorship by libraries has chilling implications, as the blocking of material could be extended to impact other legitimate educational material, including comics. You can find ACLU’s official press release here.

Last Chance To Support CBLDF In 2011!

Don’t miss out! There’s still time to support the CBLDF in 2011 by making a tax-deductible contribution by midnight on December 31! If you haven’t yet joined or renewed your membership, now is the best time, because all new, renewing and gift memberships made by December 31 will be matched with a $5 contribution from the The Will & Ann Eisner Family Foundation. Please make a difference by making a tax-deductible contribution to CBLDF today!

Today In Comics Showcases First Wave of Comics Code Censorship Articles

57 years ago today the first news of how the recently formed Comics Code Authority censored comics hit the wires, and Tim Stroup’s excellent “Today In Comics” blog has the clippings. Stroup gathers stories from five news services that covered Comics Code administrator Charles Murphy’s press conference touting the organization’s work to diminish the impact of images containing sexuality and violence within comic books.

Earlier this year the Comics Code Authority closed its doors and the CBLDF acquired the intellectual property rights to the Code’s Seal of Approval. Thus ended an era of censorship that sanitized the medium’s output, and established a stigma against comics that would endure until recent years. Dr. Amy Nyberg created a short history of the Seal of Approval for the CBLDF.

There’s Still Time To Fight Censorship in 2011! Please Make A Tax-Deductible Donation Today!

There’s still time to make a difference in the fight against censorship by making a contribution to the CBLDF today! All donations made up until midnight on December 31 are tax-deductible in 2011, and support the Fund’s urgent work. Additionally, all new, renewing and gift memberships made by December 31 will be matched with a $5 contribution from the The Will & Ann Eisner Family Foundation

Right now the CBLDF needs your support to pay for expert testimony and legal bills in a case supporting Brandon X, an American citizen facing a minimum sentence of one year in prison for possessing horror and fantasy manga on his laptop computer. His case is expected to go to trial in 2012, and legal expenses are estimated to run $150,000. Please make a tax-deductible contribution to CBLDF today to help us defend this case, and to create tools for retailers, librarians, and readers to help protect against cases like this happening in the future!

The CBLDF exists because of the grass-roots support of individuals like you! Please support our work by making a tax-deductible donation, signing up or renewing your membership, or signing up a friend for a gift membership. Your donations help us protect the First Amendment rights of everyone in the comic book field. Please make a difference in supporting that work by making a donation today.

CBLDF’s The Spirit of Giving Donation and Gift Drive Ends Today!

Thanks to the generous help of The Will & Ann Eisner Family Foundation, CBLDF has had a wonderful holiday season with The Spirit of Giving drive!

Throughout the drive, The Will & Ann Eisner Family Foundation has made a contribution of $1 for every donation and gift order placed on CBLDF’s website. Today marks the end of the $1 contributions, so be sure to order gifts for your friends and family (or yourself)! If you’re not sure what to get for the comic fan in your life, check out CBLDF’s gift guide here.

Through December 31, The Will & Ann Eisner Family Foundation is also donating $5 for every new or renewed membership. You can join the fight by becoming a member, or conscript your friends by getting a gift membership today!