Category: Legal

Ecuadorian Cartoonist Faces Charges for “Socioeconomic Discrimination”

Political cartoonist Xavier Bonilla, known as Bonil, has been charged with “socioeconomic discrimination” in his home country of Ecuador for a cartoon targeting Agustín “Tin” Delgado, a former professional soccer player who now sits on Ecuador’s legislative assembly. Bonilla is…

CBLDF Joins Cato Institute Brief Urging US Supreme Court to Protect First Amendment Right to Offend

This week, CBLDF advocated for the First Amendment right to offensive speech by joining an amicus brief filed in the United States Supreme Court by the Cato Institute and that includes amici P.J. O’Rourke, Nat Hentoff, and Nadine Strossen. The brief filed…

Censorship 2014: Fun Home and LGBTQ Literature Targeted by Censors

In 2014, we saw one of the most blatant attacks ever perpetrated on free expression and academic freedom when the South Carolina legislature passed a questionable budget “compromise” that effectively functioned as punitive budget cuts for two universities that utilized…

Censorship 2014: Why Are Video Games Still a Scapegoat?

Earlier this year, U.S. Legislators took another crack at the curbing the production of violent video games by enacting the Tax Reform Act of 2014, which would offer permanent tax credits to video game creators that do not make violent…

“Allegedly Harmful” Memoir Goes to the UK Supreme Court

In early October, the UK Court of Appeals issued an injunction that stopped publication of an unnamed memoir on the grounds that its content was “allegedly harmful” to the author’s 11-year old child. On December 9, the performing artist and…

IRONY ALERT: Censor Claims “NCAC is Attempting to Censor People of Faith”

Indian River school board member, pastor, and would-be censor Shaun Fink and responded to the National Collation Against Censorship’s recently issued a letter about his demand for a censored health curriculum that would exclude discussions of homosexuality, HIV, STIs, and contraception…

CBLDF Joins Coalition Protesting Censorship of Health Curriculum

A community in Delaware is reconsidering a recently adopted health curriculum over the complaints of school board member and local pastor Shaun Fink. Today, CBLDF joined the National Coalition Against Censorship, the ACLU of Delaware, Americans United for Separation of…

Ithaca Student Newspaper Lawsuit Dismissed After Decade Long Battle

Recently, an almost decade long legal battle over censorship of a school newspaper came to disappointing end. Eight years ago, the editorial staff of Ithaca High School’s student newspaper, The Tattler, brought a censorship suit against the school district. The…

California Court Dismisses Noriega’s Lawsuit Against Activision

The First Amendment saw another victory when a California court dismissed former Panamanian dictator Manuel Noriega’s lawsuit against Activision. Noriega claimed that Activision’s game Call of Duty: Black Ops II used his name and likeness without his permission, and it subsequently…

UK Prosecution Spotlights Dangers For Manga Readers

Last week, we reported on a disturbing case in the UK, where Robul Hoque, a 39-year-old UK citizen was convicted of possession of child pornography as a result of owning manga-style images and anime. On its face, a successful child pornography…