As the world awaits the premiere of the adaptation of Garth Ennis’ seminal Vertigo series, Preacher, on AMC, Dynamite Entertainment again teams with Humble Bundle to offer an essential collection of the acclaimed writer’s work at the publisher. Today, we…
Tag: battlefields
CBLDF EXCLUSIVE: Garth Ennis Talks Comics and Censorship!
Sure, everyone is eagerly awaiting the debut of the TV adaptation of Garth Ennis’s seminal Vertigo comic, Preacher, on AMC (full disclosure: we’re pretty excited ourselves), but Ennis has a long history of boundary-pushing work in comics. He’s never been…
Dynamite Entertainment and Humble Bundle Offer the Essential Garth Ennis Bundle to Benefit CBLDF!
As the world awaits the premiere of the adaptation of Garth Ennis’ seminal Vertigo series, Preacher, on AMC, Dynamite Entertainment again teams with Humble Bundle to offer an essential collection of the acclaimed writer’s work at the publisher. The promotion, featuring…