Comic Book Legal Defense Fund, the industry’s leading voice for free speech advocacy and education, is proud to welcome groundbreaking editor and publisher Bob Schreck as the organization’s Deputy Director. Schreck will oversee the organization’s fundraising and marketing activities, including membership, conventions and events.…
Tag: dark horse comics
CBLDF & Dark Horse Comics Announce Selling Comics
The Comic Book Legal Defense Fund and Dark Horse Comics announce SELLING COMICS, a practical guide to the nuts and bolts of modern comics retailing. The Comic Book Legal Defense Fund and Dark Horse Comics announce SELLING COMICS, a practical guide…
Support Charity and Sample the Industry’s Best With the Humble Comics Bundle: Eisner Nominees 2017 Showcase!
Humble Bundle and the comics industry’s finest publishers are teaming up for a new digital comics bundle, sampling the 2017 Eisner Award nominees to support charity! The Humble Comics Bundle: Eisner Nominees 2017 Showcase features over $198 of original content…
Dark Horse and Humble Bundle Team for Gamer Comics Bundle, Benefitting CBLDF!
Humble Bundle is re-teaming with the award-winning comic book publisher Dark Horse Comics to offer fans a comic and art book bundle featuring some of today’s hottest video game licenses. Humble is known for curating video game bundles with some…
Humble Horror Book Bundle Ups the Ante to Benefit CBLDF and RAINN!
Halloween may be over, but the folks at Humble Bundle know how to keep folks awake at night: The Humble Horror Books Bundle! The bundle is entering Week 2, and Humble has added some amazing titles to the lineup: We…
The Humble Star Wars Comics Bundle Ends Today!
The Humble Star Wars Comics Bundle from Dark Horse Comics benefits CBLDF, but you better act fast — in just a few short hours, your chance to name your price for more than $250 worth of digital comics will vanish…
EXCLUSIVE: Comics Creators Talk Star Wars with CBLDF!
Last week, Humble Bundle and Dark Horse Comics launched the Humble Star Wars Comics Bundle to benefit CBLDF. We reached out to some of the creators behind theses classic comics and asked three simple questions about Star Wars and free…
That’s No Moon: The Humble Star Wars Comics Bundle Adds Even More Titles!
These are the comics you’re looking for! Humble Bundle and Dark Horse Comics have teamed up on the Humble Star Wars Comics Bundle, and today, the Star Wars Comics Bundle universe expands to add four more amazing titles! Fans of…