Howard Cruse, often referred to as the “godfather of Queer Comics,” was working on the 25th anniversary edition of his groundbreaking graphic novel Stuck Rubber Baby when he passed away last November from lymphoma. Stuck Rubber Baby is based on…
Tag: howard cruse
Remembering Godfather of Queer Comics, Howard Cruse
This year saw the loss of one of the greats in the comics community when Howard Cruse passed away from lymphoma in late November. Cruse, often referred to as the “godfather of Queer Comics,” never had the mainstream fame he…
Celebrate World Book Day with Signed Fun Home, Saga, & Many More!
Join CBLDF in celebrating World Book Day, today and every day, with your favorite banned and challenged graphic novels! CBLDF is offering donors a slew of resources and signed comics that have experienced band and challenges for their content, including: Fun Home, signed…
Adding LGBTQIA+ Comics to Your Classroom or Library
As June comes to a close, we’ve compiled a list of comics that have LGBTQIA+ content and creators for which we have developed resources for educators and librarians. Many of these books are frequently banned or challenged. To get signed copies of…
Celebrate Pride Month With GNs Signed by Alison Bechdel, Tillie Walden, Sina Grace, & Many More!
Celebrate Pride with CBLDF! Donate to CBLDF today and grab one of these wonderful signed graphic novels that support our crucial work fighting the myriad bans and challenges on LGBTQ+ comics, including our ongoing defense of Fun Home in a New Jersey high school. Your support helps…
Queer Comics Struggles, History, and Emergence: an Interview with Justin Hall
Justin Hall, who brought together the elegant and poignant queer comics anthology, No Straight Lines has been working on a new documentary by the same name with Peabody Award-winning director, Vivian Kleinman. The documentary is set to follow several groundbreaking LBGTQ…
CBLDF Celebrates 30th Anniversary with Heritage Auctions
To celebrate its 30th anniversary of protecting the First Amendment rights of the comics community, Comic Book Legal Defense Fund (CBLDF) and Heritage Auctions are offering 11 important works at auction from the 1987 “A Benefit Portfolio in Defense of the First Amendment” that led to the…
Columbia University Acquires Personal Archives of Seminal Comics Creator Howard Cruse
The Rare Book & Manuscript Library at Columbia University recently welcomed a new addition to its prestigious collection of comic history artifacts: the personal archives of contemporary cartoonist and graphic novelist Howard Cruse. The collection which includes personal correspondences, audio…
CBLDF Hosts Amazing Creators at MoCCA Arts Festival!
This weekend, CBLDF will be exhibiting at the MoCCA Arts Festival, where we’ll be hosting signings with guests of honor Alison Bechdel, Robert Williams, Fiona Staples, and Howard Cruse. Running Saturday April 4 and Sunday April 5, the MoCCA Arts…
Meet Alison Bechdel & Howard Cruse Hosted by Chip Kidd on April 4!
Meet Alison Bechdel and Howard Cruse at a special pre-MoCCA reception hosted by Chip Kidd on April 4 from 6:00 to 8:00 PM. This cocktail reception is hosted at Chip’s apartment on Manhattan’s Upper East Side, where you’ll be able to…