Tag: limited edition

Your Voice Matters — Support CBLDF This Giving Tuesday!

This #GivingTuesday celebrate the positive power of Free Expression and get exclusive “Be The Light! Your Voice Matters” gear when you donate to CBLDF! Featuring art by Jim Lee, Jaime Hernandez, Emi Lenox with Steve Birch, and Steve Lieber/Helioscope with…

Support CBLDF With Graphic Novels Signed by Neil Gaiman!

This week CBLDF supporters have the opportunity to donate to CBLDF and receive some incredible graphic novels, all signed by the wonderful Neil Gaiman! You can also donate and grab a copy of a brand-new Sandman Death and Dream prints, illustrated and signed by legendary illustrator and…

Get Personalized Comics from Chew’s John Layman!

John Layman, the creative mastermind behind the hit series Chew & Outer Darkness is showing his support for CBLDF by personalizing limited edition art bookplates for CBLDF Supporters to benefit our First Amendment work! For a limited time only, we’re offering the chance to have John Layman inscribe one of his great…

Exclusive DC Legends Artifact Edition, Signed by Jim Lee to Benefit CBLDF!

Support Comic Book Legal Defense Fund’s important work in 2019 AND snag a brand-new, limited edition, exclusive CBLDF variant of Jim Lee: DC Legends Artifact Edition, signed on a limited tip-in bookplate by the incomparable Jim Lee! CBLDF supporters have the opportunity to…

CBLDF Gift Guide 2018: Last Chance to Donate for Delivery by 12/25!

Don’t miss out on great holiday gifts that also support CBLDF’s important work! If you need your items to arrive by December 25, orders for standard domestic shipping are due on Friday, December 14, and orders for expedited domestic shipping are due on Thursday, December…