At NYCC today, Camilla d’Errico and Joshua Dysart announced the guest artists for the Helmetgirls: Origins, a series based on d’Errico’s popular artwork. Because of the success of the Kickstarter campaign for d’Errico’s Tanpopo, d’Errico and Dysart are going to run a similar campaign for Helmetgirls. They are also going to contribute a portion of the proceeds from the sale of Helmetgirls to CBLDF!
More details in the official press release:
At this year’s New York Comic Con, graphic novelist and fine artist Camilla d’Errico (Tanpopo, Sky Pirates), along with acclaimed writer Joshua Dysart (Unknown Soldier, B.P.R.D.), are announcing the guest artist line-up for their upcoming book Helmetgirls: Origins, based on d’Errico’s popular series of paintings and art prints.
Confirmed artists for the original graphic novel, set to be released in the spring of 2012, are as follows:
Ashely Wood (Tank Girl, Metal Gear Solid)
Ben Templesmith (30 Days of Night, Wormwood)
David Mack (Daredevil, Kabuki)
Terada Katsuya (The Monkey King, Blood: The Last Vampire)
Jim Mahfood (Clerks, Marijuanaman)
Alberto Ponticelli (Sam & Twitch, Heavy Metal)
Ray Fawkes (Mnemovore, The Apocalipstix)
Kaare Andrews (Incredible Hulk, Spider-Man)
Cameron Stewart (Batman & Robin, Seaguy)
Renae de Liz (The Last Unicorn, Rogue Angel)
Molly Crabapple (Dr. Sketchy’s)
Danni Shinya Luo (X-23)
Bobby Chui
Travis Louis
Brandi Milne
Barbara Canepa (Skydoll)Although more guest artists may be announced in the future, the inclusion of the industry’s top talents in the brand-new title will solidify Helmetgirls: Origins as a must-have comic for 2012. Details of the story are still under-wraps; however, Dysart’s script does center around a crumbling future society and the children who must overcome their desolate environment to survive.
Currently, BOOM! Studios is in the process of hosting a Kickstarter campaign for d’Errico’s independently published series Tanpopo in order to collect the first three volumes into a special, limited edition hardcover book that is to be release in March of 2012. (For more information about the Kickstarter campaign, please visit:
At the time of this press release, the Kickstarter campaign is over 70% funded, and because of this tremendous success, d’Errico and Dysart will be crowd-sourcing the funding Helmetgirls: Origins as well, allowing dedicated fans to receive a special, limited edition of the book before it will be release into the public market.
Demand for Helmetgirls: Origins will certainly be high, and to help support other creators and publishers in the comic book industry, d’Errico and Dysart have agreed to contribute a certain percentage of the book’s proceeds to the First Amendment organization the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund (CBLDF). The CBLDF has been on the front lines of free speech issues for years, and both creators are committed to helping the non-profit continue its work fighting censorship.
The platform for the crowd-sourced funding, as well as more details as to how it will help benefit the important work of the CBLDF, will be announced next year, during the lead up to Seattle’s Emerald City Comic Con.