Let’s take a look at what you can expect from CBLDF on Friday at SDCC…
CBLDF: Graphic Novels and Their Turbulent Past: Now Classroom Tools of Tolerance
12:00pm – 1:00pm • Room 30CDE
Graphic novels are often associated with violence and aggression. They can, however, be used to help kids gain a greater understanding of the often violent world around them, and they can often be used to defuse anger. Finally, they can be used to teach history, social studies, and social organization. This panel of educators, authors, and artists will show you how. They’ll discuss the intertwining history of comics, violence, and censorship and provide teachers with classroom tools to integrate incredible graphic novels within language arts, social studies and science, effectively meeting Common Core State Standards while addressing ever-present resistance to the graphic text artform. Panelists include Meryl Jaffe, Betsy Gomez, Matt Holm, Jennifer L. Holm, Matt Phelan, and Janet Lee.
CBLDF: Dr. Wertham’s War on Comics
1:00pm – 2:00pm • Room 30CDE
How did a pioneering neuroscientist become one of the 20th century’s most notorious censors? In 1954, psychiatrist Fredric Wertham published the popular book Seduction of the Innocent, which inspired such moral panic that comics were placed on trial by the U.S. Senate. Wertham’s efforts, although presented as science, were actually carefully manipulated to discredit the medium. The results nearly destroyed the comics artform in the United States. Carol Tilley, the professor whose recent research helped debunk Wertham once and for all, will take you back in time, behind the scenes, as she shares some of the little-known stories of Dr. Wertham’s war on comics.
CBLDF is delighted to announce an exclusive signed print from the incomparable J.H. Williams and Todd Klein! This image first appeared in the 2011 CBLDF Liberty Annual and is now recreated exclusively for Comic-Con International 2014.
This beautiful, full color, 22 x 17 inch print, has been numbered and signed by Williams (Sandman: Overture, Promethea, Batwoman) and Todd Klein (Sandman, The DC Comics Guide to Coloring and Lettering Comics). With a limited run of 125 pieces, it’s a very rare item indeed!
The prints will be available for a $75 donation or $50 for CBLDF Members. They will be available throughout Comic-Con International — as long as they last, that is — at booth 1920!
Valiant is proud to support the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund (CBLDF) with the Harbinger #25 SDCC Liberty Variant, a limited edition release of July’s 48-page anniversary spectacular that features a brand new cover by Harvey Award-winning cartoonist and industry icon Gilbert Hernandez (Love and Rockets, Marble Season, Sloth)! Debuting this July exclusively at Comic-Con International in San Diego, California, the HARBINGER #25 SDCC Liberty Variant will be limited to 750 copies and feature Hernandez’s first-ever rendition of the Harbinger Renegades, Valiant’s best-selling teenage superteam.
Hernandez’s Harbinger #25 SDCC Liberty Variant will be available exclusively at the CBLDF’s booth (#1920) inside the San Diego Convention Center and via the CBLDF website (cbldf.org).
The Comic Book Legal Defense Fund is proud to release Working With Libraries! A Handbook For Comics Creators, featuring an introduction by Jeff Smith, and written by Eva Volin (Supervising Librarian, Children’s Services, Alameda Free Library, Alameda, CA), Katherine Keller (Sequential Tart, UNLV), Jessica Lee (Teacher Librarian, Willard Middle School, Berkeley, CA), Amanda Jacobs Foust (Electronic Services Librarian, Marin County Free Library, Marin, CA), and Jack Baur (Teen Services Librarian, Berkeley Public Library, Berkeley, CA). The handbook is available now as a free download at cbldf.org. Printed copies will be available from CBLDF at booth #1920 during this week’s Comic-Con International convention in San Diego.