Get Exclusive Neil Gaiman Recording With Your Year-End CBLDF Donation!

There’s still time to support CBLDF’s vital work in 2014! Make a tax-deductible contribution of any amount by midnight PST on December 31, and we’ll thank you with an exclusive download of Neil Gaiman: Live At the Aladdin, the classic CBLDF benefit reading featuring performances of “Chivalry” and “Being an Experiment Upon Strictly Scientific Lines…” and much more! Comic Book Legal Defense Fund is a U.S. 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, and contributions are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law.

All year round, CBLDF works hard to protect the right to read. Our efforts combat the rising tide of censorship facing studentseducators, and libraries, and we continue to provide a valuable safety net for creators and retailers. We can only do this work because of the generosity of supporters like you.

2014 was a busy year for the Fund. We addressed more than two dozen challenges to comics and other books, including a national outbreak of summer reading bans. We defused several legal crises before they could rise to the level of prosecutions. We took a leadership role in Banned Books Week‘s 2014 comics focus. We also added to our expansive education mission, with several new publications, more than 40 public presentations, a new monthly podcast, our weekly newsletter, and daily news and resourcest on CBLDF does all of this work, and more, with a small dedicated staff.

The infographic below outlines the important work CBLDF accomplished in 2014:


Download a PDF here.

Our 2014 Annual Report goes into even greater detail about the difference your donation makes in helping us protect the freedom to read!

As you can see, CBLDF is making a meaningful difference in the fight for the right to free expression. As we approach the December 31 tax year deadline, we hope you’ll help us by making a donation that helps us continue our work in the year to come. If you make a tax-deductible donation of any amount, become a member of CBLDF, or donate for a premium in the CBLDF Rewards Zone by midnight PST on December 31, we’ll thank you with this classic Neil Gaiman reading!

CBLDF’s efforts are essential to everyone who reads, makes, sells, or teaches with comics. Our work makes a difference to tens of thousands of people every single year.  We can’t do this work without your support. Please help CBLDF continue our important work by giving back with a tax-deductible donation today!

(All content as read by the author on this recording is ™ and © Neil Gaiman 2014.)