Tokyo Ghost HC & More Sci-Fi GNs Signed by Rick Remender, Brian K. Vaughan, David Lloyd, and More!

This week CBLDF is rewarding your donations with some fantastic sci-fi titles, including the soon-to-be released Tokyo Ghost HC, signed by Rick RemenderV for Vendettasigned by David LloydNameless, signed by Grant Morrison and Chris Burnham; Y: The Last Man and Saga, signed by Brian K. Vaughan; and American Flagg, signed by Howard Chaykin! Keep reading or follow the links provided for more information.


The highly acclaimed limited series Tokyo Ghost is finally being collected in gorgeous deluxe edition hardcover format, and now is your chance to grab a copy signed by author Rick Remender! This beautiful book is set in a dystopian and technology-addicted future and follows a pair of constables as they journey from the Isles of Los Angeles to the Garden Nation of Tokyo. Don’t miss out on this new release — donate here to grab your copy before they’re gone! (This book will be shipped upon its release date, Wednesday, July 5.)

V for Vendetta

We also have a few copies of the modern classic V for Vendetta, signed by illustrator David Lloyd! This book is set in post-war London, in a time where political and personal freedoms have taken a back seat to the schemes of oppressive politicians. Donate here to get your hands on this fantastic graphic novel, signed by David Lloyd!

nameless nameless bookplate

Grab a copy of the Nameless deluxe edition hardcover, signed by author Grant Morrison and illustrator Chris Burnham on a CBLDF-exclusive numbered bookplate! This graphic novel follows the titular character as he attempts to save Earth from a giant asteroid and inadvertently releases an ancient and vengeful god. Donate here to get your own signed copy of this gripping graphic novel!

y last man bkv y last man hc

If you haven’t read Y: The Last Man yet, now is your chance to grab a copy signed by author Brian K.Vaughan or artist Pia Guerra! This critically acclaimed graphic novel takes place in a dystopian future where a virus wipes out  every mammal with a Y chromosome, except Yorick and his monkey Ampersand. Donate to CBLDF today to get started on this fantastic story with the Volume One Deluxe Edition hardcover signed by Pia Guerra or the Absolute Edition hardcover signed by Brian K. Vaughan!

saga hc sagahc2

If you can’t get enough Brian K. Vaughan, we also have books one and two of Saga available signed by the author! Don’t miss out on this modern classic — get started in style with signed copies of these beautiful deluxe edition hardcovers! Donate here to get yours today.

american flagg

Don’t miss out on American Flagg, signed by creator Howard Chaykin! This dystopian graphic novel tells the story of Reuben Flagg, actor turned Plexus Ranger, as he works with a highly intelligent cat and a very stupid robot to restore some semblance of the American way of life to a war-torn United States. Grab a signed copy of this excellent graphic novel by donating here!

Don’t miss out on these great items and more — visit the CBLDF Rewards Zone today! All proceeds benefit CBLDF’s important First Amendment work!