Right now The Children’s Book Council (CBC) is asking teachers, librarians, and booksellers to register to host an official Children’s Book Week (CBW) event for the spring of 2019. This is the 100th Anniversary of CBW, which began in 1919 and is the longest running literacy initiative in the United States. The centennial celebration is certain to be momentous and the more official participants that sign up, the more amazing the celebration will be. Don’t miss out on being a part of this historic moment, sign up today!
Why Be Official?
Official events will get access to resources and promotional tools that unofficial events will not be able to get. For example official events will:
- Be included in the national publicity campaign from Children’s Book Council
- Get listed online on the national event map
- Have access to tons of cool stuff like the downloadable activity kit, CBW swag, and the official 2019 poster with original art by Yuyi Morales (TBA in February)
- Be able to host a vote for the 12th Annual Children’s and Teen Choice Book Awards
Become an official event today!
Participating in Children’s Book Week
- Sign up to host an event for the 100th Annual Children’s Book Week – April 29 – May 5, 2019 (currently they are only signing up spring events)
- Publicize your Children’s Book Week event! You can host a story hour, activity hour, author illustrator event, or even rename an existing event to participate
- Host voting for the Children’s and Teen Choice Book Awards! Then enter votes into the online group ballot system
- Use the #CBW100 to help spread the word about your event and all the other events on social media
- Don’t forget to provide feedback from your experience as an official CBW host with their survey
Authors and Illustrators Wanted Too
If you write or draw children’s books, and you want to participate in CBW, there’s a lot of different ways you can help. You can work with your publisher to arrange a book tour that week and brand it with the theme for CBW “Read now. Read forever.” You can plan events at local libraries, schools, and bookstores to talk about creating children’s books, or the power of literacy. Just make sure any event you plan on doing signs up to be an official CBW event so they get access to posters, press releases, and tons of other free resources to help make it the best Children’s Book Week ever.
To learn more about the events, check out the original post or the FAQ. And make sure you sign up for the CBLDF.org Newsletter to get updates in your inbox about Children’s Book Week and other important news about literacy.