Teachers! Help CBLDF and be entered to win a classroom comics library!
There’s still time to take CBLDF’s survey about comics in the classroom! This quick questionnaire asks teachers to help us understand how they’re using comics in schools, and what new resources they would like to see us create. As a thank you, all participants are entered into a raffle to win a classroom library with graphic novels from Dark Horse, IDW, Image, and Lion Forge!
Please help CBLDF help you by taking a few moments to participate in our educator survey. You can also help by sharing this link with teachers in your community and on your social feeds.
CBLDF routinely advocates for teachers and students, providing aid in content challenges and opposition to laws affecting teachers, while also producing resources including publications, discussion tools, webinars, and more. With comics becoming a more significant part of the classroom environment, we want to understand how we can shape our future work to better serve the community of educators who rely on us. This new survey aims to identify:
- Are teachers are using comics in the classroom, and at what levels ?
- How comics are being used in the classroom?
- Are teachers encountering resistance to the use of comics?
- What do teachers need to support /defend the use of comics in the classroom, and more.
Every survey participant will be entered into a raffle for a graphic novel classroom library set. The survey will be available until August 9, 2019 and the results will be published in the fall. The raffle winner will be chosen at random from all participants who fully complete the survey and will be notified in August.
Please help spread the word and take the survey to help CBLDF help teachers include more comics in the classroom!
Participants can take the survey directly at http://bit.ly/CBLDFSurvey19