Category: Homepage

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Cartoonists Resist Censorship Abroad

This week, David Reed with the Missouri NPR affiliate KBIA 91.3 examined editorial cartoons and freedom of expression abroad during his Global Journalist radio show. Among the topics of discussion were Ali Ferzat and Aseem Trivedi, two editorial cartoonists who…

How Comics Conquered Libraries

Not so very long ago, comic books in libraries were exceedingly rare. Even those libraries that did carry comics often relegated them to the children’s department, with little attention given to building a diverse, quality collection. But over the past…

CBLDF Celebrates May with Awesome New Premiums!

This month, CBLDF has added some amazing new premiums to our Rewards Zone! Each time you pick up one of our premiums, your donation not only puts a great new item on your book shelf — it also helps protect…

Fox News Host Blames Video Games During NRA Speech

Gaming news site Kotaku has posted yet another incident to be filed under “S,” for “Scapegoating.” On Friday, Fox News host and contributor Jeanine Pirro delivered a furious diatribe against gun control to the annual meeting of the National Rifle…

Disney’s Bloody Attack on The Air Pirates

What follows in an excerpt from The Pirates and the Mouse: Disney’s War Against the Counterculture (Fantagraphics 2003) by investigative journalist Bob Levin. The book describes the so-crazy-it-must-be-true story of Disney’s attack on a group of underground cartoonists who, under…

CBLDF Signs On To Protect Anne Frank’s Diary of a Young Girl

Comic Book Legal Defense Fund joins nine other free speech organizations who signed a letter to Northville School District in Michigan urging them to keep the definitive edition of Anne Frank’s A Diary of a Young Girl in middle school…