Category: Education

Join CBLDF This Weekend in Las Vegas for ALA Annual!

This weekend, CBLDF is headed to Las Vegas to join thousands of librarians for the American Library Association’s Annual Conference and Exhibition. From June 27 – 30, you’ll find CBLDF at booth 2014 in the Graphic Novel – Gaming pavilion.…

AZ Superintendent of Public Instruction Under Fire for Anonymous Online Posts

In stating that Tucson’s banned Mexican American Studies program “contained content promoting resentment toward a race or class of people” and that “materials repeatedly reference white people as being ‘oppressors….’ in violation of state law,” Arizona Superintendent of Public Instruction…

Watch the Google+ Hangout Featuring Cory Doctorow!

Yesterday, free speech lovers around the country got to join Cory Doctorow, author of the novel Little Brother, for a Google+ Hangout on Air discussing the importance of fighting censorship and the value of Banned Books Week. CBLDF Executive Director…

This Compromise Is Not Acceptable: CBLDF Joins Coalition Condemning South Carolina Budget Provision

Today, CBLDF joined a coalition of free speech advocates led by the National Coalition Against Censorship and the ACLU of South Carolina in issuing a joint statement that condemns a recent budget provision “compromise” that penalizes two state universities for…

Pensacola Principal Cancels Little Brother Summer Reading Program

In a move reminiscent of South Carolina’s months-long battle over Fun Home at the College of Charleston, a high school principal in Pensacola, Florida last week cancelled a One School/One Book summer reading program because he thought Cory Doctorow’s Little…

Political Cartoons for Peace

A globalization class at Lebanese American University hosted political cartoonist Hassan Bleibel as he paid a visit to illustrate the power of using art to tackle sensitive issues. The cartoonist is best known for his work at the Daily Star…

Judy Blume: Let Kids Choose What They Read

After more than 40 years in the business, beloved children’s and YA author Judy Blume knows both young readers and the censorious impulses of some adults very well. Speaking recently at the annual Hay Festival of Literature and the Arts…

Banned Books Week 2014 Celebrates Graphic Novels

The Comic Book Legal Defense Fund (CBLDF), with the national Banned Books Week planning committee, today announced that this year’s celebration of the freedom to read will emphasize a thematic focus on comics and graphic novels. This year’s Banned Books…