Category: Education

The Cases That Define Obscene or Protected Speech

Much of the groundwork for CBLDF’s mission was laid in a series of pivotal legal cases, many of which predate CBLDF’s founding in 1986. These cases helped define what constituted obscene speech and what types of speech are granted First…

School Counselor Who Defended The Family Book Named GLSEN Educator of the Year

Last year, the school board in Erie, Illinois, voted to remove Todd Parr’s The Family Book and other GLBT-friendly resources from the curriculum despite a review committee’s recommendation that they be conserved. CBLDF joined with several other anti-censorship organizations in…

How Comics Conquered Libraries

Not so very long ago, comic books in libraries were exceedingly rare. Even those libraries that did carry comics often relegated them to the children’s department, with little attention given to building a diverse, quality collection. But over the past…

CBLDF Signs On To Protect Anne Frank’s Diary of a Young Girl

Comic Book Legal Defense Fund joins nine other free speech organizations who signed a letter to Northville School District in Michigan urging them to keep the definitive edition of Anne Frank’s A Diary of a Young Girl in middle school…

Defending the Freedom to Read by Reporting Challenges

Last week, the American Library Association’s Office of Intellectual Freedom offered “Defend the Freedom to Read: Reporting Challenges,” a free webinar presented by OIF Assistant Director Angela Maycock. The webinar is now available online. ALA’s Office of Intellectual Freedom tracks…