Category: Features

Gabe Eltaeb’s Comic Kickoff Fundraiser to Benefit CBLDF!

If you’re anything like us, you’re counting down the hours until the hullabaloo of Comic-Con International in San Diego. To get the Comic-Con party started, you can join artist Gabe Eltaeb and Jinx Comics on Wednesday, July 23, for a…

Only One More Day for the Humble Dynamite 10th Anniversary Bundle!

The Humble Dynamite 10th Anniversary Bundle features several dozen amazing books, and it has already raised thousands of dollars for charity. You have only one more day to name your price for the bundle, which benefits CBLDF, Doctors Without Borders,…

Using Graphic Novels in Education: Chiggers

Welcome to Using Graphic Novels in Education, an ongoing feature from CBLDF that is designed to allay confusion around the content of graphic novels and to help parents and teachers raise readers. In this column, we examine graphic novels, including…

AZ Superintendent of Public Instruction Under Fire for Anonymous Online Posts

In stating that Tucson’s banned Mexican American Studies program “contained content promoting resentment toward a race or class of people” and that “materials repeatedly reference white people as being ‘oppressors….’ in violation of state law,” Arizona Superintendent of Public Instruction…

Watch the Google+ Hangout Featuring Cory Doctorow!

Yesterday, free speech lovers around the country got to join Cory Doctorow, author of the novel Little Brother, for a Google+ Hangout on Air discussing the importance of fighting censorship and the value of Banned Books Week. CBLDF Executive Director…

CBLDF Heads South for HEROES CON

CBLDF is returning to Charlotte, North Carolina, this weekend, where we are excited to be exhibiting at HeroesCon 2014 booth 1222! Heroes Convention was founded in 1982 by Shelton Drum, the owner of Charlotte’s Heroes Aren’t Hard To Find comics…