Category: Features

CBLDF Accepts Downs Intellectual Freedom Award at ALA Midwinter

Last weekend, the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund was presented the Robert B. Downs Intellectual Freedom Award, an honor presented by the Graduate School of Library and Information Science at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign to acknowledge individuals or groups who have furthered the cause of intellectual freedom, particularly as it impacts libraries and information centers and the dissemination of ideas. The award was presented last Saturday at a presentation during the American Library Association midwinter conference, and accepted by CBLDF Executive Director Charles Brownstein. His acceptance remarks highlight the rise of comics from being hobbled by junk science in the 1950s to their near universal embrace by contemporary culture, and are presented in full after the jump.

CBLDF Board Member Neil Gaiman & Executive Director Charles Brownstein with the Downs Intellectual Freedom Award. Photo by Cat Mihos.

CBLDF Auctions Superheroes by Margaret Atwood and Periscope Studios!

Last October, celebrated writer and novelist Margaret Atwood was inspired to create superheroes based on the handles of her Twitter followers. The illustrations that followed became a fast internet sensation, and inspired the talented folks at Periscope Studios of Portland, Oregon, to illustrate their own takes on the characters Ms. Atwood designed …

Happy Birthday Neil Gaiman!

Neil Gaiman is celebrated for his creative works which invoke human values, belief systems, and decisions in a way that has resonated with many generations. His energies on the page are enough to merit him all the recognition he has received, but his efforts go beyond storytelling. Outside of his creative contributions, Neil has stridently directed his energies towards working as a force for good. Today, on the occasion of his fiftieth birthday, the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund salutes Neil and the good works he’s accomplished.

MTV Geek Launch Party benefits CBLDF

Launching over the weekend of New York Comic Con, MTV Geek went live with a bang. A terrific new site covering comics and other pop culture, MTV Geek hosted a live art event to celebrate their premiere weekend.

Steve “The Dude” Rude Visits the CBLDF!

Today was a particularly exciting afternoon in the midtown offices of the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund. Fan Favorite artist Steve “The Dude” Rude dropped by to produce a one-of-a-kind painting, on the premises, for the Fund. As longtime admirers of the Dude’s work, it was a rare treat to watch him at work.

Saluting Ron Turner

Ron Turner portrait by arrestedmotion.comRon Turner, the founder of Last Gasp, and patron of artists, writers, and various misfits for more than four decades turns 70 on Saturday, October 2. Baba Ron, as he’s known around San Francisco’s galleries, bars, and bookstores, has created a deep and indelible mark on his city, and the creative worlds of comics, art, and literature. CBLDF’s Executive Director and former Last Gasp staffer Charles Brownstein provides an appreciation of Turner for the occasion.