Category: Headline

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Barefoot Gen Banned in Japanese City

A mayor in Izumisano City in the Osaka Prefecture, Japan, has demanded that all copies of Keiji Nakazawa’s internationally renowned manga Barefoot Gen be removed from elementary and junior high schools in the district. Izumisano City’s mayor, Hiroyasu Chiyomatsu, felt…

SC Legislator Excoriates Student Government for Defending Fun Home and Academic Freedom

Following the South Carolina House of Representatives vote last week to exact punitive budget cuts from two public colleges that chose LGBT-themed books–including Alison Bechdel’s graphic novel Fun Home–for campus reading programs, we noticed a revealing story that illustrates at…

CBLDF Joins Free Comic Book Day 2014!

Since 2002, Free Comic Book Day has been the biggest event in the comic book year. This year, the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund gets in on the action with not one, but TWO, amazing offerings! Help the CBLDF Defend…

New Tax Plan Takes Aim at Violent Video Games

Censorship usually takes the form of the direct suppression of speech, but it seems that U.S. legislators are attempting new means of indirect censorship by using tax reform. Unsurprisingly, violent video games are the scapegoat that the Tax Reform Act…

Fun Home Update: SC House Refuses to Restore Funding

The South Carolina House of Representatives doubled down on censorship yesterday, refusing to erase budget cuts that seek to punish two public colleges for assigning books that deal with LGBT issues. Democratic Reps. James Smith and Gilda Cobb-Hunter attempted to…

Victory for Students in “Boobies” Case!

Free expression rights for public school students were resoundingly reaffirmed today, as the U.S. Supreme Court declined to hear a Pennsylvania school district’s argument that it could prohibit students from wearing breast cancer awareness bracelets that read “I ♥ boobies!”…

Kansas Lawmakers Consider Bill that Would Enable Prosecution of Educators for “Offensive” Material

Lawmakers in the Kansas Senate are considering a draconian new bill that would make it easier to prosecute educators and other school officials for using “offensive” materials in classrooms and libraries. Senate Bill 401 was proposed in response to controversy…

CBLDF Joins Coalition Urging Supreme Court to Uphold Right to Bring First Amendment Challenges

This week, a coalition of free speech advocates, media organizations, booksellers, librarians, and publishers — including CBLDF and Dark Horse Comics — submitted an amicus brief (friend-of-the-court brief) in Susan B. Anthony List v. Driehaus. The brief urges the United…