Category: Legal

The Mayor Who Failed to Censor Comics

A historical milepost article on The Columbus Dispatch website, an Ohio-based periodical, revisits September 28, 1954, when the city’s mayor composed a panel to review the censorship of comics. In assembling the panel, Columbus mayor M.E. Sensenbrenner noted that the FBI…

George R.R. Martin Supports CBLDF For Banned Books Week!

George R.R. Martin, the celebrated creator of GAME OF THRONES and WILD CARDS  is celebrating Banned Books Week by supporting the important work of the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund!  This is his special message about what he’s doing to…

Banned and Challenged Comics REVEALED!

Banned Books Week is upon us, and it’s telling that the event is more relevant than ever in its 30th year. Given their visual nature and the rampantly held misconception that comic books are for children, comics are among the…

CBLDF Urges School District To Rescind Ban of SideScrollers

The Comic Book Legal Defense Fund and partner organizations in the Kids Right to Read Project today sent a letter to Enfield School District Superintendent Dr. Jeffrey Schumann addressing concerns over the removal of Matthew Loux’s graphic novel SideScrollers from…

CBLDF Executive Director Charles Brownstein Speaks to the Ban of SideScrollers

CBLDF Executive Director Charles Brownstein took a guest spot at ICv2’s Talk Back, writing an article about the recent removal of Matthew Loux’s SideScrollers from a school’s summer reading list. The video game-themed graphic was removed from a Connecticut school…

Indian Cartoonist Aseem Trivedi Released on Bail After Arrest on Sedition Charges

Cartoonist Aseem Trivedi was arrested on sedition charges stemming from his cartoons, which criticize and expose corruption in India’s government. His arrest sparked protests from supporters, leading the government to promise a review of the charges against Trivedi. Though bail was granted,…

Welcome to the New!

Today the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund is proud to unveil the new and radically improved!  With a daily news blog and a rich and growing Resources section, we strive to make your best tool for information about…

Audio Of 1954 Juvenile Delinquency Hearings Resurfaces

By Joe Izenman The 1954 Senate Subcommittee hearings examining the possible relationship between comics and juvenile delinquency remain the most significant moment in the history of comic book censorship. Centered on the testimony of Dr. Fredric Wertham, author of Seduction…