Category: media

Happy Holidays One and All from CBLDF!

Courtesy of CBLDF supporter and comics censorship historian Joe Sergi, we’re delighted to offer this special treat for the holidays: “A Comics Carol,” a minicomic in which Messr. Fredric Wertham is visited by the Ghosts of Comics Past, Comics Present,…

Neil Gaiman on Censorship and the Perception of Comics as a “Gutter Medium”

In the upcoming Winter 2014 issue of Index on Censorship magazine, political cartoonist Martin Rowson interviewed long-time free speech advocate and CBLDF Advisory Board Co-Chair Neil Gaiman on issues of censorship, comics as a gutter medium, and how graphic novels…

Humble Bundle & Dynamite Add MORE TITLES to Holiday’s Biggest Comics Bundle!

Humble Bundle is excited to once again be teaming with Dynamite Entertainment after enjoying an incredibly successful partnership this past summer. Dynamite is the gatekeeper to some of comics’ hottest licenses and original properties, and this go-round they will be…

CBLDF Podcast Episode 9: History of the Comics Code Authority Live!

In this episode, CBLDF Executive Director Charles Brownstein presents the History of the Comics Code Authority before a live audience at Wondercon 2014 in Anaheim, California. He discusses: Tarzan, Fellini, Johnny Craig, Speedy’s drug use, Wolfmans, Phil Sueling, Elfquests, and…

Protecting the Right to Read: CBLDF Annual Report 2014

CBLDF’s important work made huge strides in 2014! From leading a comics-focused Banned Books Week and expanding our education program, to fighting the rising tide of censorship in schools and providing legal aid in a wide range of comics-oriented cases,…

CBLDF Podcast Episode 8: HALLOWEEN! With Scott Allie and Jeff Zornow!

In this SPOOKY episode, we speak to Scott Allie, Editor-In-Chief of Dark Horse Comics, and cartoonist and horror expert Jeff Zornow, who is currently illustrating Godzilla: Rulers of Earth for IDW Publishing. Both of these gentlemen are big fans of…

A Discussion Guide that Protects the Right to Read!

Now that you have your very own copy of the CBLDF Liberty Annual 2014 (it came out yesterday, so get to your local comic shop post haste if you haven’t!), it’s time for discussion, and we have just the tool:…

CBLDF Podcast Episode 7: CBLDF in the UK!

In this episode, CBLDF Executive Director Charles Brownstein takes the fight for the freedom to read international, traveling across the drink to Great Britain, where he visits Nottingham fixture Page 45 and the Cartoon Museum in London. We discuss: Constantine,…

Watch Last Week’s Copyright vs. Creativity Panel at NYU Law!

During CBLDF’s event-filled Banned Books Week, Executive Director Charles Brownstein joined a panel last Tuesday at the NYU School of Law entitled “Copyright vs. Creativity: Is Intellectual Property Reserved for the 1%?” Along with Ricky Rouse Has a Gun author…