Category: News Blog

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Expert to School Board: Listen to Students on Cameron Post

Tonight, the Delaware school board that last month voted 6-1 to remove emily m. danforth’s The Miseducation of Cameron Post from a high school reading list may reconsider their hasty action, which was not in line with district policy on…

SDCC 2014: Preview Night with CBLDF

It’s heeere! Comic-Con International kicks off tonight at 6:00 p.m. at the San Diego Convention Center, and you’ll get your first chance to come by booth #1920 and pick up CBLDF exclusive premiums, including a gorgeous print by J.H. Williams…

Superintendent Admits Policy Ignored in Little Brother Case

Well over a month after a high school principal in Pensacola, Florida cancelled a summer reading program rather than allow students to read Cory Doctorow’s Little Brother, we finally heard this week from that principal’s boss, Escambia County School District…

SDCC 2014: All CBLDF, All the Time!

Comic-Con is upon us, and CBLDF is excited to once again to be part of the action! We’ll be joining thousands of comics fans from around the world, and you’ll find us at booth 192o with exclusive premiums, informative panels,…

Partial Victory in Singapore: Two Out of Three Books Back in Libraries

Singapore Communications and Information Minister Yaacob Ibrahim last week reversed course on the planned destruction of two children’s books that had been pulled from public library shelves, instructing the National Library Board to instead have the books restored to library…

CBLDF Joins Defense of Looking for Alaska in Wisconsin

Last week CBLDF joined a coalition of free speech groups defending John Green’s novel Looking for Alaska against a challenge from a parent who wants it removed from schools in Waukesha, Wisconsin. In a letter sent Friday on behalf of…

CBLDF Releases Working With Libraries! A Handbook For Comics Creators

The Comic Book Legal Defense Fund is proud to release Working With Libraries! A Handbook For Comics Creators, featuring an introduction by Jeff Smith, and written by Eva Volin (Supervising Librarian, Children’s Services, Alameda Free Library, Alameda, CA), Katherine Keller…

Graphitti Designs Protects Free Speech As CBLDF’s Newest Corporate Member

The Comic Book Legal Defense Fund is proud to welcome Graphitti Designs, the trailblazing manufacturer of pop culture and comics-related merchandise, as the organization’s newest corporate member! Building on a long history of support for the organization, Graphitti Designs joins…

The CBLDF Live Art Auction at SDCC!

CBLDF hosts its biggest original art auction of the year at Comic-Con! On Saturday, July 26, 7:30pm – 9:00pm, join CBLDF to in the Sapphire Ballroom EF, Hilton San Diego Bayfront, to bid on amazing original art from Jeff Smith…

SDCC 2014: CBLDF Signing and Panel Schedule!

Comic-Con International is just around the corner, and CBLDF is going to be on hand with some amazing signings and panels in support of our mission to fight for the right to read comics! SIGNINGS We’re delighted to host some…