496 search results for "this one summer"

Minnesota Public Radio Challenges Adults to Read Controversial YA Books

Minnesota Public Radio is challenging adult readers to set aside preconceived notions of YA literature and to pick up some of today’s most critically acclaimed — and even controversial — books for teen audiences. From This One Summer, an award-winning graphic…

How Smile Transformed the Comics Industry

Seemingly overnight, semi-autobiographical graphic novels for children have become a hit genre, dominating New York Times bestseller lists, winning industry awards, and garnering significant praise and accolades. Leading the way is Raina Telgemeier, whose fun, incredibly relatable, and heartfelt graphic novels…

Take PRIDE in Challenged and Banned LGBTQ Comics

June is Pride month, so celebrate with challenged and banned LGBTQ comics! As the recent murders in Orlando demonstrate, the LGBTQ community is still facing profound adversity. That adversity extends to censorship and challenges to books featuring LGBTQ characters and/or books by members of…