212 search results for "diary"

Using Graphic Novels in Education: The Misadventures of Salem Hyde

Welcome to Using Graphic Novels in Education, an ongoing feature from CBLDF that is designed to allay confusion around the content of graphic novels and to help parents and teachers raise readers. In this column, we examine graphic novels, including…

ALA Objects to Proposed Flagging of Books from Banned/Challenged Lists

Amidst the can of worms opened up when the Dallas-area Highland Park Independent School District recently suspended and then reinstated seven books on approved reading lists, it is important not to overlook one particularly alarming practice. Currently the district is…

CBLDF Protests Proposed Flagging and Rating System in Dallas School System

CBLDF has joined a coalition led by the CBLDF-sponsored Kids’ Right to Read Project in sending a letter to the Highland Park Independent School District in Dallas, Texas. CBLDF joins KRRP in advance of the district’s next school board meeting,…

NCAC Letter Objects to Idaho Prior Consent Proposal for Assigned Reading

In Teton County, Idaho, where Rudolfo Anaya’s Bless Me, Ultima was removed from and then restored to high school classrooms last year after some parents complained about language and “satanic rituals,” the school board is now considering a proposal that…

Let Freedom Read At The Comic Book Legal Defense Fund New York Comic Con Party!

Celebrate free speech and help support the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund along with sensational comic creators at the CBLDF New York Comic Con Party, happening Saturday night, October 11, sponsored by comiXology and Dynamite Entertainment! Open to fans and…