309 search results for "Caitlin McCabe"

“Death Note” Found in New Hampshire High School Causes Panic

Parents of Nashua High School North in New Hampshire are raising concerns in their community and online after the discovery of a “death note” book, containing the names of 17 different students along with brief statements about how they wronged…

Cartoonists On The Front Lines: The Economist Cartoonist on Free Expression in Turkey

Award-winning political cartoonist Kevin Kallaugher has shared his thoughts about United States’ society and politics in The Economist since 1978, but recently, he shared his concerns about the state of free speech in Turkey and the difficulty his fellow cartoonists…

5 Year Court Battle Leads to Censorship of Lebanese Comics Magazine

A five-year-old court case surrounding the controversial publication of religious-themed comics in a Lebanese magazine has finally concluded with the three editors/artists of the magazine being found guilty of belittling Christianity. Facing $20,000 in fines, the decision may have forced…

Government Attempt to Shut Down Free Press Group in Ecuador Fails

The latest target in Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa’s campaign against free speech is the non-governmental organization Fundamedios. Citing legal violations for publishing political blog posts that might suggest participation in partisan politics, the government is attempting to shut down the…

Vandalized Mural of Cartoonist Atena Farghadani Ignites Debate

The vandalization of a mural depicting jailed Iranian cartoonist Atena Farghadani in Brooklyn, New York, has left free speech advocates confused over the misinterpretation of the message being depicted. The mural, by South African artist Faith47, was put up in…

Cartoonist Jack Ohman Speaks Out on the Evolution and Future of Cartooning

As Association of American Editorial Cartoonists president and veteran cartoonist of the Sacramento Bee Jack Ohman prepares to hand over the reins of his presidency to fellow cartoonist Adam Zyglis, he took a moment to talk with the Washington Post…