849 search results for "Banned Books Week"

Tweeks Remind SideScrollers Challengers That They Don’t Have to Read It

This week in the ComicMix’s Challenged Reading Challenge, the Tweeks took on Matthew Loux’s SideScrollers, the book that led the Enfield, Connecticut, Board of Education to change their entire policy for approving and including controversial books in school reading lists.…

The Tweeks Challenge Parents to Read The Color of Earth

Twin ween geeks Maddy and Anya — the Tweeks — have tackled another banned book! In week five of ComicMix’s Challenged Challenge, they discuss the critically acclaimed coming-of-age manhwa The Color of the Earth and the controversy surrounding it’s coming-of age…

The Tweeks Tackle the Controversy Around This One Summer

This One Summer

It’s week 3 of the ComicMix Challenged Challenge and in this episode twin teen geeks Maddy and Anya—the Tweeks—talk about the controversy surrounding Jillian and Mariko Tamaki’s This One Summer. A multi award-winning book and the first graphic novel to…

Bookmobile Temporarily Banned from North Carolina Apartment Complex

Last week, an apartment complex in West Raleigh, North Carolina, set in motion a plan to ban a Lacy Elementary School’s bookmobile from entering and distributing books on its premises. Their reason: Company policy prohibits any events that are not…

ComicMix’s Tweeks Challenge Kids and Parents to Read Challenged Comics This Summer!

Twin tween geeks Maddy and Anya Ernst, aka the Tweeks, just announced their Challenged Graphic Novel Reading Challenge on the ComicMix website, and their summer reading list is chock full of amazing graphic novels that have been attacked by censors!…